Columbia Area Career Center and RBHS students, junior Kristen Buster, junior Najeebah Hussain, senior Shelby Richardson and senior Michelle Zhuang received the 2013 Missouri and Kansas NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing and Information Technology. The award, sponsored by Microsoft, the Motorola Solutions Foundation and the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT), recognizes young high school women for their computing-related achievements and interests in an effort to encourage more young women to choose careers in technology.
According to the award site at, awardees are selected for their computing and IT aptitude, leadership ability, academic history and plans for post-secondary education. The NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing provides the opportunity for both national and local “affiliate” competitions to generate support for women’s participation in the world of technology and science.
[heading style=”1″]Junior Najeebah Hussain[/heading]
A: Ms. Nelson at the CACC contacted me about submitting an application for the award. The application had questions about my past experiences with all aspects of technology, asked about my involvement in technology classes and clubs, my GPA, community leadership and how I’ll use technology in my future. I submitted my application with the help of Ms. Nelson, and I guess they liked me.
Q: How does receiving such an honor make you feel?
A: It makes me feel good because I hope I can show other girls that females really can make great achievements in the technology field. A lot of people look at girls who are into technology or programming and think they’re not fit for it. I think that intimidates a lot of girls. I mean, it’s only me and one other girl in my computer science class. I hope that because I won this award, it brings us one step closer to being more accepting of girls into this awesome field.
Q: Does receiving this award strengthen your interest in the technology field now and in your future?
A: Yeah, it makes me feel good that I’ve been recognized for something I love doing and have a real passion for, so I would love to continue exploring technology in the future. I want to be a biomedical engineer, so that I can use technology to actually help people live better lives. Like, it would be awesome to help a blind person see again, you know.
[heading style=”1″]Junior Kristen Buster[/heading]
A: I was selected after filling out an online application which included questions about my school and classes but also included three essay questions asking about my past, present and future leadership in computing and technology. My web design teacher was also asked to give a recommendation. I worked really hard on my essays, revising and editing them multiple times to try and perfect them.
Q: How does receiving such an honor make you feel?
A: When I first applied for the award I didn’t completely realize how big of a deal it was. It wasn’t until I was at the award ceremony, and I felt so honored and encouraged by all the inspirational women there that spoke to us about leadership in technology. It made me feel more excited about my future plans because I realized the importance of diversifying the computing field and what women can bring to technology. After hearing from women who are so successful in computing, I definitely felt more empowered myself.
Q: Does receiving this award strengthen your interest in the technology field now and in your future?
A: Receiving this award definitely strengthened my interest in the computing field and has really gotten me excited about all of the opportunities available that I have here at the Career Center and Rock Bridge to further my computer knowledge and fulfill my aspirations to have an occupation in this field someday.
[heading style=”1″]Senior Shelby Richardson[/heading]
A: Three essays were required, and the prompts were about leadership, community and technology in my future. I answered the prompts by giving examples of each in my technology: Geographic Information Systems, or GIS. GIS is a newer approach to technology, and I think that helped my responses stand out. I also really enjoy working in GIS. I made sure my love for the subject was apparent in my essays.
Q: How does receiving such an honor make you feel?
A: Receiving this award makes me feel motivated. I know a little more about computer technology outside of GIS. Being recognized as a regional winner regardless is very encouraging.
Q: Does receiving this award strengthen your interest in the technology field now and in your future?
A: Receiving this award definitely strengthens my interest in GIS, as well as other computer technology. Even though I am heading in the chemical engineering direction, I want to learn more about programming and even graphic design . The women who spoke at the award ceremony were very encouraging, and they assured all the winners that there is a whole community of women in technology that would assist us in our future in technology. Also, the other regional winners were so passionate about their field that I know I will have someone in the future to collaborate with.
[heading style=”1″]Senior Michelle Zhuang[/heading]
A: I received an email, and I got a notice from my teacher and Sharon Nelson that I was selected to receive the computer programming award. This award is a state award, but I don’t think there is any placement, like first, second or third for this selection.
Q: How does receiving such an honor make you feel?
A: I was really surprised to get this award, and I’m also really honored, because in order to receive this award, you’re going up against all these girls from within Missouri that are all competing to become recognized for their abilities in technology.
Q: Does receiving this award strengthen your interest in the technology field now and in your future?
A: Originally, I wasn’t even thinking about doing technology in my future, and it seems that I am still more geared to fine arts. But because of this experience, I think that I definitely will try to incorporate technology within art as well.
By Manal Salim
Female students receive computing and technology awards
April 13, 2013

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