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The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

Photo courtesy of Haeam Lee

Fairytale fashion: best of homecoming spirit week

Allison Kim October 26, 2021
RBHS held its annual homecoming spirit week Oct. 17-22, with lunchtime games, hallway decorations and dress-up days taking place leading up to the homecoming dance on Saturday, Oct. 23. Following this year’s “Enchanted” theme, student council (StuCo) set a different spirit theme for each day of the week. 
Opinion: school spirit deficit is disconcerting

Opinion: school spirit deficit is disconcerting

Ethan Hayes April 28, 2019
RBHS' school spirit has been low all throughout Hayes' high school life, and it needs to improve.
Students admire door decks created by Freshmen Advisory classes. Photo by Anna Xu.

Door decks display freshmen’s movie spirit

Anna Xu October 11, 2018
Freshmen advisory classes create door decks, elaborate eye-catching decorations that include creativity, originality and humor.
As their teammates on the side lines look up to the stadium lights, the rest of the Juniors huddle together for both tactic, and warmth, brain storming a game plan to beat the Sophomores. Photo by Elizabeth Upton

Annual Powder Puff to showcase class rivalry, competitive spirits

Ji-Sung Lee November 3, 2016
The annual Powder Puff competition, which switches the traditional roles of male athletes and female cheerleaders, will begin tonight at 6:30 p.m.
Door decorations promote freshmen school spirit

Door decorations promote freshmen school spirit

Madison Wright September 30, 2016

Freshmen Hunter Wolf, Lindsey Smith, and Grace Hervey help us understand what the door decorations competition meant to them. Door decorations provided an aesthetically pleasing way to spread Homecoming...

Photo by Emily Franke

Student Council prepares for pep rally, bonfire

Brayden Parker October 23, 2013

With students consumed on campus with court activities and alumni pouring into the cities just in time for kickoff, homecoming eve becomes the time to take in a big breath and relax for just a moment before...

Photo by Emily Franke

Homecoming week sparks excitement

Molly Mehle October 17, 2013

As the awaited homecoming week nears, students and administration scramble to get ready for the events and activities that will take place this year. What starts the week is the homecoming theme, which...

Temporary fixes provide motivation: Joplin residents find ways to stay hopeful, such as the duct tape modification to the former high school's sign. Photo provided by Mary Crane.

4 months after the tornado

The Rock and Bearing News Staff January 26, 2012

On May 22, a merciless EF5 twister, the highest intensity possible, ripped through Joplin, Mo., population 49,000. With scores of citizens dead, millions of dollars lost and an entire town devastated,...

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