Sophomore Ryan Choe is a first time-writer for The Rock and Bearing News. When he’s not being sarcastic (to me at least), he’s a very sweet person who encourages the team and congratulates us when we have a good cycle. I met him when he was a freshman last year through our school orchestra, and I immediately saw the tremendous amount of talent he had. I was not surprised to learn that he’s a great writer, too.
Tell me a little about yourself (i.e. hobbies, family, pets, etc.).
“I am the youngest of two children. I have an older sister named Elizabeth who is 11 years older than me. My parents are both Korean and grew up in Korea and then moved to America. I started playing cello at the age of four and started playing golf at the age of seven. Last year I made the Missouri All-State Orchestra; this past summer I competed in the Optimist Junior Golf Championships in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, and most recently, am a finalist for the Carnegie Hall Honors Performance Series, which will be held in early February.”
What is your position on staff?
“Just a plain ‘ole writer.”
What do you like about writing?
“Writing is a way for you to communicate to others, to tell a story and to share your opinion that you think makes the world better. That’s what I find cool about writing and what I like about it.”
What is your favorite part of Newspaper?
“Being a part of such a dedicated and relentless staff with such a motivated, dedicated and hard-working teacher. Also, the convention trip was a great experience for me to learn more about journalism and a way for me to connect and bond with other members of the staff. I feel like I know them a lot better, and the entire staff is filled with really smart and kind people who are like a giant family.”
What made you want to join Newspaper?
“Writing has always been one of my interests, and newspaper offered more writing than yearbook. I also heard about how awesome and successful newspaper had been in the past, kind of like how awesome their reputation was, so that really made me want to join and continue representing Rock Bridge journalism in a great way.”
Do you plan to take newspaper or journalism in college and/or pursue a career in that field?
“I honestly don’t know yet, and as a matter of fact I don’t even know what I want to major in yet. Hopefully I’ll find out soon.”
Behind the Paper: Ryan Choe
November 23, 2017
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