The CPS food truck graced Rock Bridge’s circle drive for the first time yesterday. Though the gloomy weather and intermittent rain restricted the number of students who were willing to come out, about 30 students still braved the weather, according to food truck cook Sonny Long.
“There’s not very many, because of the weather,” Long said. “It seems like not very many want to come out right now, but give it time, they’ll figure it out.”
Though yesterday was the first day the food truck has come to Rock Bridge this year, it is coming again today and, according to Laina Fullum, director of Nutrition Services, the truck will now begin a regular rotation to all three full-sized high schools.
“Since our high schools are true high schools, they have freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors now, there’s a larger crowd,” Fullum said. “They have two lunch shifts and so the desire is for us to provide some options for our students. Our students have asked us to bring in outside vendors which we’ve done with Papa Johns. And then also to give them an opportunity to get a meal in the time that they’re allotted to do that.”
Aside from the problems posed by the rain, Fullum said the truck was running into a few issues regarding technology. Specifically, there were issues yesterday with the free and reduced lunch system.
“We need to be able to provide reimbursable meals to our students,” Fullum said, “so if a free or reduced student can’t afford a meal, then they should be able to come out here and get a meal like they would get inside, only for free. So that’s gonna be a barrier until we can get our technology in place.”
Freshman Alli Foster was one of the few that came out to the food truck yesterday, and she said she liked the introduction of the food truck.
“I think they have good options cause they don’t have those options inside and so it’s nice to be able to come out here. I think it might be cool if they had more options, but it’s convenient; it’s good.”
By Urmila KutikkadDo you like the idea of the food truck? What options would you like to see? Let us know in the comments!