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The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

Art by Valeria Velasquez

Say no to fines, yes to education

Ben Kimchi May 7, 2019
Distracted driving is indisputably dangerous. Sending or reading a text for five seconds at 55 mph is the equivalent of driving the length of a football field blindfolded, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT).
Art by Isabel Thoroughman

The price is right: Will pay to play for my children

Katie Whaley May 7, 2019
Why is everyone mad at Lori Laughlin? She was doing what every parent should for his or her children. What is criminal is not her behavior; rather, that she might go to prison for paving the way for Olivia Jade and that other daughter.
Art by Valeria Velasquez

Safe driving calls for mirror on service road

Ann Fitzmaurice April 26, 2019
Pulling out of RBHS’ south parking lot and onto the service road, a driver has three options: left, right and an accident.
Art by Reece Furkin

With change in principal comes worries, advice

Katie Whaley April 2, 2019
Every time a change happens there is cause for concern. The principal in many ways is the face of a school.
Photo by George Frey

Anonymity levels playing field of college admissions

Bailey Stover March 21, 2019
The history of parents using gifts and famous family names to give their children a competitive edge in the college admissions process is a glaring example of how the rich stack the deck in their favor.
Photo by George Frey

Anonymity levels the playing field of college admissions

Bailey Stover March 21, 2019
The history of parents using gifts and famous family names to give their children a competitive edge in the college admissions process is a glaring example of how the rich stack the deck in their favor.
Personal finance needs a follow up course

Personal finance needs a follow up course

Ethan Hayes March 3, 2019
Monetary responsibility is more than putting five out of your $20 monthly allowance, at least that’s what I learned in summer school when I took Personal Finance. It’s one of the few things I remember from that class. It’s a great course that actually gives students valuable information and real world skills that young people need in adult life. The teacher I had was knowledgeable about financing and money. I had friends around me who made the subject fun to study and participate in. To my surprise, I enjoyed the content. There was something about preparing to be a grown-up that enticed me.
Art by Isabel Thoroughman

Red, white, flu: dangerous vaccines are ruining America

Katie Whaley February 26, 2019
America, please stop hurting children. As a nation that proudly stands for freedom — that fights for it — you sure do brutalize kids and jeopardize the future of life itself so much.
Art by Moy Zhong

‘Weather’ or not you agree, climate change is a hoax

Katie Whaley December 20, 2018
News of glaciers melting is fake. People are simply misplacing these ice bodies and forget glaciers migrate from the North Pole to Antarctica.
Art by Moy Zhong

State fund formula requires restructuring

Ben Kimchi December 19, 2018
A strong public education system is the backbone of equal opportunity for Americans. When that the system currently fails to uphold the promise of equity.
Art by Valeria Velasquez

Food surplus leads to excess waste

George Frey December 18, 2018
We rely on things such as food which can create waste.So we must ask ourselves, ‘what can we do before it’s too late to turn back?’
Art by Moy Zhong

Monopolies limit opportunity

George Frey December 14, 2018
Capitalism runs the United States. It is a system which dictates social behavior in the corporate landscape that is the American economy.
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