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The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

True/False hosts its first party of the year, 'Jubilee'

True/False hosts its first party of the year, ‘Jubilee’

Isaac Yontz March 6, 2020
Hundreds of people lined up to enter True/False’s opening masquerade party, Jubilee, at the Missouri Theater to kick off the festival.
Chinese New Year Showcase to excite cultural celebration

Chinese New Year Showcase to excite cultural celebration

Allie Pigg February 22, 2018
On Friday, Feb. 23, the RBHS Chinese classes will take the stage at the Missouri Theater, displaying enriching performances of Chinese culture in celebration of the Chinese New Year.
True/False Jubilee prone to grandeur and allure

True/False Jubilee prone to grandeur and allure

Urmilla Kuttikad March 1, 2014

I’ve never understood the concept of masquerade balls. That stretch of a person’s face — from the fan of wrinkles framing one eye to the fan of wrinkles framing the other — is, to me, their most...

Photo by Daphne Yu

RBHS student to give talk at TEDxCoMO

Daphne Yu April 6, 2013
Starting at 10 a.m. this morning until 5 p.m., the Missouri Theater downtown will be hosting TEDxCoMo, Columbia's independently organized technology, entertainment and design
A 5th grader works diligently on a collaborative art piece for the silent auction. he nails donated bottle caps to a barnwood fish. Photo by Aniqa Rahman

Theater hosts elementary art fundraiser

Aniqa Rahman February 8, 2013

If you drove by the Missouri Theatre tonight, you would see displayed on the flashing marquee a friendly invitation to the 7th annual Lee Elementary School Silent Art Auction/Silent Film Screening. The...

Journalist shares lessons learned from captivity in North Korea

Sophie Whyte September 7, 2012

Three years after being sentenced to a seemingly inescapable fate of hard labor for 12 years, journalist Laura Ling was on the stage of Missouri Theatre to share her horrifically enthralling story of...

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