My entire life (all 17 years) I have dreamed of escaping the grasp of Columbia; the thought of “getting out” is something I dance around with in my mind and my imagination.
Now, before you jump to conclusions and think I am too cynical and narrow-minded, let me justify.
Columbia was an amazing town to grow up in. I attended almost every Mizzou football game, played in recreational leagues, met great employers and learned many things through experience and teachers shoving exams and busy work down my throat. I gained fantastic friends and developed a sense of self-worth, which is still growing so deeply inside me.
What I found the most interesting about Columbia is how it helped me discover my totally-encompassing love affair with photography! For that, I am so grateful for my roots and all the years I kept with this little town I call home.
But, the time has come to where I am ready to see more of where my feet can take me. I am ready to fly oceans and sail the seas. Photography is what I needed to find with my life in CoMo, and now it’s going to take me across the world.
What I love most about Columbia are the little things; and for me, most of these little things exists within the streets and buildings of our downtown and The District. I wanted to take the time to capture my affection for this sanctuary of mine, it housing my every-growing imagination, addiction to tea and memories helping me become the person I am.
I appreciate Downtown Columbia immensely, and I would like to prove it.
Booche’s may not be my go-to restaurant now-a-days, but growing up in the passenger seat of my father’s truck, we always seemed to find our way to this fantastic little building of magical chili and hot dogs. On special days, my father would steal me out of school early just so we could grab some grub before we had to be home with the family. Booche’s will always be monumental for me. As my teenage years took me through emotional roller coasters and interesting fashion statements, one thing that really grew on me was the accessibility to the many independent (and some not so independent) coffee shops of downtown Columbia. Searching for myself lead me to loving being an interesting character and always doing what puts a smile on my face, rather than painting a fake one for the benefits of others. Weirdly enough, these coffee shops remind me of my individuality, and I love it! This building has always been something that took my eye. It stands for the entirety of this blog in my opinion; it’s a small random building on a random street within the bounds of downtown. This building is perfect, and I love it. It’s the little things that count! The older architecture of downtown Columbia always takes my breath away. When we get caught in the fast pace of our lives, we seem to forget exactly where be came from just before that moment. History defines what we were, and yet allows us to constantly change what we are and what we could be.Nostalgia is a huge part of what I remember about downtown Columbia. Spending countless afternoons with my father, mornings at diners with my mother, and my brother tagging along for the ride puts a smile on my face quickly and easily.As much as I love downtown, I hate the traffic. That’s the only thing I hate, and it feel it is vital to this blog and my life experience.My life has brought me many different diets; Paleo, vegan, veggie, meat maniac, and many more! But, one thing I have always stuck with was my love and appreciation for organic food. Cafe Berlin is organic, authentic and delicious in every way possible. From mouth-watering BLTs to taste bud-tingling granola and yogurt, Cafe Berlin reminds me to taste and enjoy every aspect of my food. Thank You.
Downtown Columbia is something that will always resonate in my mind no matter what I do and no matter where I go.
By Maribeth Eiken Week one: check! Stay tuned for more.