In a recent board meeting, the Columbia Public Schools administration decided campus will be closed for freshmen and sophomores at all high schools, but they will maintain an open-campus policy for upperclassmen.
CPS made the decision based upon information collected in a survey sent out by the district coordinators, RBHS principal Mark Maus said. This survey showed an overwhelming support from adults for closed lunch and the exact opposite reaction from students.
“The parents were very strong against open lunch in general … our students were very much for it,” Maus said. “I think that our students need to have a voice … I think our students also need to talk to their parents and discuss with them what they feel, because overwhelmingly, the parents did not support an open lunch, and we have to listen to all stake-holders when we make decisions as a district.”
Some students believe part of the reason parents have been arguing for closed lunch is because they feel students will be irresponsible if there is an open campus. However, students are continuing to advocate for open lunch.
Current Jefferson Junior High School freshman and future RBHS student Grant Sykuta said the only reason he thinks closed campus would be initiated is if there were a lack of trust from parents and administrators.
“I think it’s kind of stupid because parents are complaining when it really hasn’t been that big of a problem in the past. They just need to go with the flow,” Sykuta said. “It’s the idea of innocent until proven guilty; you shouldn’t take something away if you haven’t tried it.”
RBHS sophomore Haley Birk agrees with Sykuta and believes open lunch should be granted for freshman and sophomores. She said underclassmen are fully capable of taking care of themselves while out at lunch. Since the majority of freshman and sophomores won’t have a vehicle to drive themselves out to lunch with, they would be left to either walk or find a ride with a junior or senior student.
“They’re 14 and 15-years-old, which is plenty old enough to manage a little bit of responsibility,” Birk said. “And since they’d be going with upperclassmen, it wouldn’t really be all that big of a deal.”
Since the district made the decision to close campus for the underclassmen, administration now deals with how to enforce this new policy in the future. Dr. Chris Belcher, superintendent for CPS, said the administration realizes having open lunch is a tradition in the school district, but they are taking the aspect of student safety into careful consideration.
“We thought the best case scenario was closing it for those who typically don’t drive … and we think that the parents would prefer for us to do that so their child didn’t make choices that maybe they didn’t approve of,” Belcher said. “It may be that our lunch shifts will be more driven by class; in other words, certain lunch shifts will be more dominant with freshmen and sophomores, and other lunch shifts will be more dominant with juniors and seniors.”
This may be the only way to ensure that only upperclassmen are the ones to leave during lunch. Because RBHS has prided itself in its motto, “freedom with responsibility”, Maus said this change is going to require a great deal of student accountability.
“I think a lot of it goes back to, do you trust kids? And the way we are at RBHS is, we trust kids … when we ask them to do things and have expectations, they rise to them. And then those that don’t, we work with them,” Maus said. “But to me, it goes back to more of philosophy and the practice that has been ingrained in RBHS I believe, since it opened 39 years ago, and that is that we trust kids and treat them as young adults … and to me, it’s what makes RBHS great.”
By Brittany Cornelison
Additional Reporting by Daphne Yu and Alyssa Sykuta

Daphne Yu • Jan 29, 2013 at 4:36 pm
As editor-in-chief of Bearing News, I have gone through the notes and recordings pertaining to this story and verified that closed campus lunch is indeed happening. We have both superintendent Dr. Chris Belcher and RBHS principal Mark Maus on record as of Jan. 25 stating that high school underclassmen will be assigned closed campus lunch. We have also confirmed with Dr. Belcher that the decision for closed campus lunch is an administrative policy developed by administration from all schools. Thank you for your interest in our story; we appreciate your readership.
Jilly • Jan 28, 2013 at 9:49 pm
*Correction: The issue has been decided (the bearing news is better at reporting than I) HOWEVER: everything else above is true.
Until open lunch is in effect next year, students’ say will continue to fight against universal policies in favor of individualized policies.
Jilly • Jan 28, 2013 at 8:55 pm
Just to clarify for all the kids freaking out and thinking that we can’t do anything:
I’ve talked to my principal – the Open Lunch issue is NOT decided. It is also NOT a district policy, although they are presenting it to the board. It IS a school’s individual choice, and so we will be advocating for that choice, although administrators have chosen a universal policy.
Nobody panic – remember how the start times were supposed to be finalized in January? Well, we started talking and now they’re over a month behind schedule!