Bearing Newsreported eight hours ago that Student Council voted to have the homecoming dance after the football game Oct. 12. But StuCo sponsor David Bones said he and Jen Mast, athletic director, made the decision to move the dance to after the game because the University of Missouri plays Alabama at home Oct. 13.
“We wanted to make sure we didn’t conflict with [the Mizzou Game] knowing that it is a big game, a big activity for Columbia and for Rock Bridge families,” Bones said. “Really, the proposal was trying to make it so that as many kids as possible could be part of the homecoming dance.”
The dress code for the dance will remain semi-formal, although this may cause minor problems for the football team, the Emerald Regiment, cheerleaders and the Bruin Girls.
“I have to cheer that game,” said varsity cheerleader and sophomore Bailey Washer. “I’m going to want to go home and sleep [after the game], not go to a dance looking all nasty. Who’s idea was that?”
In order for StuCo to get as many people to the dance as possible, they voted that the dance be extended to 11:30 p.m., as opposed to 11 p. m., given that the game will end somewhere around 9:15 p.m., so, Bones said, the band, the cheerleaders, the Bruin Girls, players, anyone involved in the game, can still have time to participate in the event.
Years ago the Bruin’s homecoming dance was immediately after the football game, but about 10 years ago Student Council began having the dance a different night of the game. Given the popularity of the dance, though, Student Council still expects the attendance to be high, said student council member sophomore Taylor DeVault, who is looking forward to attending her first homecoming game and dance.
By Nomin-Erdene JagdagdorjOriginal reporting by Brett Stover
What do you think of having the dance after the homecoming game? Comment below.
Shelby R • Sep 19, 2012 at 9:37 pm
When I told my dad, a former RB football star, that I thought that having the homecoming dance on the same night as the game was a bad idea he said that was the way it was when he was in school. If you needed to shower, you did it in the locker room. My mom, a former RB cheerleader, had similar comments. I am going to both the game and the dance. If our parents can participate in two big events in one night and have a great time doing both, why can’t we?!
Muhammad Al-Rawi • Sep 19, 2012 at 9:04 pm
I’d have to agree with Mr. Becker. This definitely waters down both events. Significantly.
Blake Becker • Sep 19, 2012 at 12:53 pm
Even with the extended time for the dance its still going to suck for the players, band, cheerleaders and fans because everyone’s going to be tired and sweaty after the game, so they’re going to have less energy for the dance and have to take extra time to go home and take a shower. It also hurts that people will probably leave the bleachers early to get ready, so it might be disappointing for the players if they see a good portion of the fans leave.
Julia Schaller • Sep 16, 2012 at 1:34 pm
I think Rock Bridge is doing the best it can given the circumstances. I’m pretty sure Bru Crew is going to make the theme of the game Black Tie, so people can dress up to the game if they want to make things easier. I know people aren’t happy that the game is the same night as the dance, but that’s how it has to be this year, and you can still make it fun. I think it’s all about how you look at it and what you make of it.
Elizabeth King • Sep 16, 2012 at 9:11 am
This is ridiculous. Even if the game ends at nine fifteen, people who go straight to the dance still won’t even be there till about nine thirty, then you have to go through all of that ridiculous ticket stuff. What’s more likely is that one of the events will just lose the attendance. And what sucks is for the people who HAVE to go to the game, because then they’ll be all sweaty and exhausted and that just ruins the experience for them. I understand that this is trying to help, but I don’t get why they couldn’t just move the dance to a different Saturday or something.
Tori Gibson • Sep 15, 2012 at 10:55 pm
I actually find that this is idiotic. I mean, there are some things that are more important than going to a Missouri game, especially for the fact that I am a Sophomore and this is my first homecoming. I’m in the band, so I’ll be wearing a uniform, there will be no time for me to make a change then enjoy maybe an hour of the dance where as other kids are going to get to bet here the full time. I have always looked foreword to going to this dance, and now I’m probably not going to be able to go. You can record the Missouri game then watch it in you living room and there are plenty of other games to see. Some memories are more important than watching College football.
Atreyo Ghosh • Sep 14, 2012 at 9:48 am
Nah West, you’re fine. Our apologies!
West Wilson • Sep 13, 2012 at 11:54 pm
Not to sound rude at all but half of this is incorrect. Student council voted on game and dance themes. The dance and homecoming weekend are decided by the school CPS. mizzou has a game the next Saturday which is why they did it Friday. Sorrrrryyy