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The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

Student View: Winter Olympic Games

Student View: Winter Olympic Games

Sam Mitten February 18, 2014

A suspect opening ceremony seems to be the biggest topic of discussion this year for the 2014 Winter Olympics. The reason for the commotion is the major fault in the pyrotechnics;  the fifth Olympic ring,...

Photo by Rachel Kiehne

Pass-fail system alleviates stress, improves education

Justin Sutherland February 18, 2014

Many students spent their two week long winter break carefree, glad to be home to enjoy novelties of sleeping in and not having to do homework. These students generally relaxed during the first few weeks...

Student View: Marijuana Legalization

Student View: Marijuana Legalization

Sam Mitten February 12, 2014

Marijuana is, according to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, the third most abused drug in America today right behind tobacco and alcohol. While two states, Colorado and Washington, have legalized...

Early Release Bell Schedule

Early Release Day scheduled for teacher collaboration

Sam Mitten January 29, 2014

On Wednesday,  Jan. 29, students at RBHS will be released early at 1:35 p.m. for teacher collaboration. “There is an early release day as far as I know so that teachers can get together, collaborate,...

Student view: North Korea and Dennis Rodman

Student view: North Korea and Dennis Rodman

Sam Mitten January 14, 2014

Whether it be his multi-colored hair and hairstyles he donned on a multitude of occasions or his famous red carpet masquerades such as when he wore a wedding dress in May of 1996 to promote his autobiography,...

Student View: Grades

Student View: Grades

Sam Mitten December 19, 2013

The standard American grading system of A through F has been in place for nearly 230 years, after the first grades were given by the president of Yale Reverend Ezra Stiles, who wrote: “Twenty Optimi,...

The seniors fake a pass as the quarterback looks up for an open receiver.

RBHS Powderpuff 2013

Sam Mitten December 4, 2013

[heading]Powderpuff 2013: Juniors vs. Seniors game called[/heading] The seventh annual Rock Bridge High School Powderpuff football game began with a coin toss around 4:30 p.m. succeeding which, the freshmen...

District champions: Bruins down Fort Zumwalt West

District champions: Bruins down Fort Zumwalt West

Sam Mitten November 17, 2013

[heading]Rock Bridge 28, Zumwalt West 19; Bruins win first district title since 2005[/heading] After electing to kick after winning the coin toss for the much anticipated rematch of Rock Bridge Bruins...

Doing something for someone else just might help you feel better

Doing something for someone else just might help you feel better

Sam Mitten February 22, 2013

[dropcap style="1" size="3"]I[/dropcap]It’s been a rough day. I don’t particularly feel well, not to mention that I forgot to take my daily 20 mg dose of Prozac this morning and I’ve been a little...

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