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The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

Photo by Stephanie Harman

Science Olympiad takes second at Regionals

Will Cover February 24, 2020
RBHS Science Olympiad competed at the Regional Competition Feb. 22 at Missouri University of Science and Technology in Rolla, Mo. To accomodate a large number of competitors, RBHS sent both a green and a gold team. The gold team earned second place overall, and the green team took sixth. Qualifying students, selected by chemistry teacher and club sponsor Stephanie Harman based on Regional performance, will now begin preparing for the State Competition on April 4, which will take place at Westminster University in Fulton, Mo. 
Members of the cheerleading team perform a routine at the Homecoming assembly Oct. 12. The RBHS football team chose Leukemia as the cause for the 2018 game. The cheerleaders wore orange matching shirts in awareness. Photo by Grace Hervey.

Cheerleading competes at regionals, prepares for state

Ji-Sung Lee November 11, 2018
The cheerleading team competed at regionals Nov. 11. The next competition is the state meet.
Science Olympiad prepares for regionals

Science Olympiad prepares for regionals

Rochita Ghosh February 8, 2018

RBHS has a history of excelling at the annual Science Olympiad regionals competition at the Missouri University of Science and Technology in Rolla, Mo. One caveat to this year, however, is the maternity...

Junior sweeps regionals at Optimist Oratorical contest

Junior sweeps regionals at Optimist Oratorical contest

Joy Park April 15, 2016
Junior Allison Foster won regionals for the Optimist Oratorical Contest, allowing her to compete at the state level in May.

Science Olympiad Green Team places second at Regionals

Rochita Ghosh February 14, 2016
The RBHS Science Olympiad teams, Green and Gold, earned second and fourth place respectively at the Regionals competition this past Saturday.
Coach Stephanie Harman and assistant coach Barry Still hold the overall 2nd place trophy that the RBHS Green team won today. Photo by Atreyo Ghosh

Science Olympiad team places second

Atreyo Ghosh February 17, 2013

Today at 6:00 a.m., the RBHS Science Olympiad Green team and Gold team boarded a bus alongside the Hickman High School team to travel to Missouri S&T University in Rolla, Mo. to compete in the regional...

The Bruin Girls convene after practice on Thursday to prep for their competition on Saturday. Photo by Asa Lory

Bruin Girls gear up for regionals

Asa Lory November 30, 2012

  The Bruin Girls will travel to Lindbergh, Mo. tomorrow, Dec. 1, for their first regional competition in a series of contests that may take them to the state level in February and, eventually, a...

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