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The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

Photo by George Frey

CPS begins composting program at pilot schools

Sarah Ding March 9, 2020
RBHS will be one of the Columbia Public School’s (CPS) pilot schools to introduce composting starting Monday, March 16.
The RBHS cafeteria is cleared after B lunch at 12:43 p.m. CPS and the City of Columbia entered a partnership to implement new kinds of recycling in schools across Columbia. Photo by Emily Dearing

Recycling options for students open up

Emily Dearing October 2, 2019
Entering a partnership, the City of Columbia and Columbia Public Schools (CPS) will hope to decrease waste and cost by implementing a new recycling program

RBHS to include compost bins in waste removal system

Anjali Noel Ramesh September 28, 2019
By the end of September, RBHS, along with Hickman High School and Battle High School, will add compost bins to their trash disposal systems. Partnering with the City of Columbia and the Mid-Missouri Solid Waste Management District (MMSWMD), Columbia Public Schools’ (CPS) high schools will label bins separating compost from recycling and trash. 
Israeli bio pharmaceutical company claims to find cure for cancer

Israeli bio pharmaceutical company claims to find cure for cancer

Jordyn Thompson March 22, 2019
Jordyn talks about the news releasing that an Israeli pharmaceutical company has claimed they will have a cure for cancer using peptides.
Art by Moy Zhong

‘Weather’ or not you agree, climate change is a hoax

Katie Whaley December 20, 2018
News of glaciers melting is fake. People are simply misplacing these ice bodies and forget glaciers migrate from the North Pole to Antarctica.
Prometheus - Art by Moy Zhong.

Finding the fire

Anna Xu October 16, 2018
Through years of practice, senior Henry Huang became a nationally recognized musician, loosing and rediscovering his passion along the way.
Zika virus encroaches upon United States

Zika virus encroaches upon United States

Nikol Slatinska March 4, 2016
The Zika virus is spreading into the United States.
Students wrestle with accepting graduation requirements

Students wrestle with accepting graduation requirements

Harsh Singh December 28, 2013

He said it was one of the reasons he hated B days. It was a class he took or else he wouldn’t be able to graduate. When junior Alp Kahveci took art his sophomore year, he loved the teacher but said he...

January 2013: Media Specialist, Gwen Struchtemeyer assists RBHS senior Connor Fraser with studying for the ACT. Many students take the generous opportunity offered by Structemeyer to better prepare them for achieving a higher score on the standardized test. Photo by Aniqa Rahman
Originally posted in 2013

Media Specialist prepares pupils for ACT

Sam Mitchell January 12, 2013

Whether it be early morning before the first bell of the school day, lunch time when most teachers and students are taking a short break from their work, or after school on a Friday afternoon when most...

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