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The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

RBHS displays sign for annual blood drive.

RBHS hosts annual blood drive

Maya Bensaoud, Staff Writer September 28, 2023

RBHS student Council (StuCo) hosted their annual blood drive with the Red Cross on Sept. 26 from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the auxiliary gym. Students over 18 were eligible to donate, and those between...

Blood draw at the hospital for an adult man

Student-run blood drive faced changes amidst COVID-19 restrictions

Anjali Noel Ramesh December 11, 2020
Rock Bridge Reaches Out (RBRO) and the RBHS Student Council (StuCo) held their annual blood drive Monday Nov. 30. Since all CPS buildings are closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students held the drive at the Woodcrest Church instead of RBHS. According to the online flyer advertising the event, the drive required social distancing within the building and that participants and volunteers wear masks.
Day 29

Day 29

Bailey Stover April 15, 2020
During her 29th day of social distancing, senior Bailey Stover donated blood with her dad at a blood drive, watched Netflix and talked with her mom.
Day 27

Day 27

Bailey Stover April 13, 2020
Senior Bailey Stover spent her 27th day of social distancing trying to donate blood, finishing her pie, talking to a journalist and looking for photos.
StuCo hosts blood drive

StuCo hosts blood drive

Isaac Parrish October 31, 2018

[vc_video link=""] Student Council hosts a blood drive in the school gym on Oct. 31 (Halloween), 2018. Filmed and edited by Isaac Parrish.

BLOOD DRIVE: Students cheer on friend to donate blood last year. Photo by Yousef Lel'jayyousi

StuCo to host annual blood drive Oct. 31

Anna Xu October 30, 2018
Student Council hopes to collect more than 100 pints of blood to donate to local hospitals
Student Council, Rock Bridge Reaches Out to host blood drive

Student Council, Rock Bridge Reaches Out to host blood drive

Nikol Slatinska November 6, 2017
The American Red Cross encourages students to participate in tomorrow's blood drive in the auxiliary gym.
Photo by Cassi Viox

RBHS blood drive to save lives

Ethan Howard October 27, 2016
On Friday, Oct. 28, Student Council will team with the American Red Cross for a blood drive in the Auxiliary Gym.
Students donate blood to Red Cross

Students donate blood to Red Cross

Graham Ratermann November 9, 2014

Students gave from their heart, literally, in a Red Cross Blood Drive Friday. The blood drive was an all day event held in the auxiliary gym with exactly 100 students donating blood which was more than...

Students give back by donating blood at Blood Drive

Jay Whang November 8, 2013

A long line of students waited outside of the Auxiliary Gym today, Nov. 8, each one anxiously awaiting for their turn to donate blood. After a long wait in line, each student was checked by a nurse and...

Volunteers find success in Red Cross blood drive

Daphne Yu September 18, 2012

By 9:30 a.m. on Sept. 18, more than 40 students, teachers and Red Cross members filled the gymnasium as more filed outside, waiting for admittance. Starting at 7:20 a.m, students from StuCo and National...

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