Some TV shows have indisputably awesome theme songs. Today is June 23.
I woke up this morning exhilarated and confused by the dream I’d had about a sea monster posing as a body of water that ate people’s lost items. If nothing else about my life is interesting, at least my dreams have the ability to entertain me. I think if I combined the random content of my dreams and made a novel out of it, I could have a best seller on my hands.
To start my day off right, I made a bowl of oatmeal with honey and walnuts. Every time I include my breakfast in one of these entries, my dad likes to make a joke about it, but I can’t help if my meals are so tasty I want the whole world to know. In case my tone didn’t transfer in written form, that last bit was sarcasm. Anyway, I spent my morning lounging around. I wanted to be slightly productive today, but I also knew I needed my emotional energy reserves to be full for my meeting with my academic advisor tomorrow.

The most recent season of Roswell, New Mexico landed on Netflix today, so I began watching to pass the time. I enjoy the complex relationships and identities the characters have. I’m glad the show takes time to address sexual orientation, race relations and abuse, which are all topics the series could have ignored in favor of solely focusing on aliens. A show like this couldn’t exist in the capacity it does now a decade ago and have had the same reception. I am lucky to be living in a time where media is opening up difficult conversations, and I hope this trend continues.
For several hours, I took the time to add to my “best” page on Bearing News. My Discovery Fellowship mentor had asked what initially interested me in journalism, so I wanted to be able to send her a complete portfolio of my work. I also wrote a few paragraphs describing how I first realized my passion for storytelling and detailed how I hope to use my writing in the future to help people. I’m sure my writing was vague because I didn’t want to overwhelm my mentor before even meeting her in person, but in the future I’d be happy to provide her with more examples of my work and a more in-depth explanation of where I see myself in 10 years.

I also took time creating a page about Halloween to submit into competition with the National Scholastic Press Association. We had published all of the content for the post back in October 2019, but I had to formally create a page so the material fit into the correct category for competition. I am incredibly proud of how the post turned out. It included art, photos, videos, audio and plenty of writing of various styles. I hadn’t initially planned on submitting any of this content for competition, but once I had the idea to combine the individual content, I knew we could have a solid shot at winning. I’m not sure if we’ll place first, but I hope we receive some recognition for our hard work.
In the afternoon, my brother and dad played tennis together at the same time my mom was at RBHS working on sending yearbook PDFs and passing out yearbooks. I took the time to go for a walk and enjoy the beautiful weather. I hurried out of the house, however, and ended up forgetting to put on sunscreen. I burn easily, and because I didn’t realize my error until 20 minutes into my walk I ended up speed walking and running the remainder of my path. I didn’t want to get sunburned, so I shortened my walk and hurried home as quickly as I could. I’d guess my speed walking was ultimately good exercise, but at the same time I’d have liked to not worry about looking like a lobster if I stayed out too long.
A little while after my brother got home, he suggested he and I watch Veronica Mars. For the next several hours, the two of us hung out downstairs talking about the plot, sharing speculations and having a great time together. I’m glad we still have two seasons left to enjoy together, and my guess is he wants us to finish the whole series before I leave for college in the fall. I’m nervous about my meeting with my academic advisor tomorrow. A friend of mine’s been checking in on me, which I appreciate, but because I shy away from confrontation with authority figures I’m worried I’ll not stand up for myself and what I want when we’re on our Zoom meeting. I’m going to make a list of questions and concerns before our meeting, but I think at this point the best thing I can do to prepare and help my sanity is get a good night’s sleep.
“Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.” ― John Lennon
How did you spend your 98th day of social distancing? Let us know in the comments below.