[vc_tta_tabs][vc_tta_section i_type=”monosocial” i_icon_monosocial=”vc-mono vc-mono-icq” title=”Introduction” tab_id=”1458600207679-d4017572-c390″ add_icon=”true”]Looking for more than just the typical Easter crafts? If so, click on each tab to learn how to make each fun-filled craft.[/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Beautiful Banner” tab_id=”1458600179984-bc967c20-c00f”]To make this
banner, all you will need is…
- Colorful paper (preferably pastel)
- Sturdy twine
- Craft glue
- Scissors
- Hole-puncher
- Cut out a template from some scrap paper, this will ensure all the pieces are the same shape and size.
- Trace the template over eleven pieces of paper, if you want a specific color pattern make sure they are in the right order.
- Draw out each specific letter on white paper as well a sketch of a bunny. Alternatively, you could print outlines of letter and use those.
- Glue the the letters to the pieces.
- Hole-punch the pieces in the middle or two on each side.
- String on each piece, taking care to tie the piece on before moving on to the next one.
- Hang up the banner near a window or on a wall.
[/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Wonderfully “Woven“ Easter Eggs” tab_id=”1458600180057-836bd814-092d”][TS_VCSC_Image_Scroll image=”284035″ scroll_height=”400″ scroll_speed_up=”3″ overlay_handle_color=”#00ffbb”][/TS_VCSC_Image_Scroll]To craft these
, all you will need is…
- Brightly colored yarn
- 6-12 Styrofoam eggs
- Craft glue
- Scissors
- Patience
- Coat the egg in a thin layer of glue.
- Starting from the top, wound the yarn onto the egg. Make sure to avoid any gaps.
- Cut the yarn and glue down the loose end.
- Let it dry for 30 minutes.
[/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Dandy Decor” tab_id=”1458603575810-c0e0bd7f-0674″]To make this
- A wooden slate (available at Hobby Lobby for $2)
- Paint
- A sharpie
- Find an Easter-related image you like.
- Trace it onto the slate with a pencil.
- Paint the outline
- Let it dry
- Redefine any line with sharpie
[/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Easy-Breezy Birdhouse” tab_id=”1458600241501-eb3318d3-0ee1″]To make this
- 1 small wooden birdhouse (available at Hobby Lobby for $1.75)
- Acrylic paint
- Paintbrush
- Felt
- Paper
- Glue
- Scissors
- Paint over the roof and sides with pastel colored paint.
- Glue felt onto the bottom
- Cut out fund designs with paper and glue them on as well.
- Let it dry.
[/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Enchanting Doggy Easter Bunny Ears” tab_id=”1458601066967-8c300e34-ee8b”][vc_gallery interval=”3″ images=”284039,284038,284036,284034,284032″]To make these
- Felt
- Pipe cleaners
- Wire
- Glue
- Needle
- Thread
- Make a rough skeleton out of wire. Make sure that it will fit your dog’s head.
- Wrap pipe cleaners around the wire, excluding the ears.
- Trace and cut out the felt in the shape of the ears.
- Glue the felt onto the ears, if you want you can also sow around the ears.
- Wrap felt onto the pipe cleaners and glue.
- Let it dry
19JL01 • Apr 1, 2016 at 1:49 pm
The steps were easy to follow and I liked how you could click on the craft you wanted to make. The pictures added a nice touch and it was fun to look through the different crafts that could help to brighten up your home.
Emily Oba • Mar 22, 2016 at 8:52 pm
I loved how all of these ideas are cute and easy to make. For some people like me, who aren’t that good at crafts, it’s nice to see some ideas that aren’t too hard to put together.