[TS_VCSC_Lightbox_Gallery content_images=”283925,283924,283923,283922,283921,283920,283919,283918,283917,283916,283915,283914,283926,283929,283930,283931,283932,283934,283933,283935,283936,283954,283937″ content_images_titles=”Ramen noodles (enjoyed by many) were served throughout the event by students at the South Korean table.,Romania offered up bread with sauce as well as a type of breakfast grain topped off with grapes for palate cleansing.,Global Village was buzzing with energy for the entire two hours- no doubt propelled by the anticipation leading up to the morning.,Tea was served by many countries but the tea shown here was the best.,Music added complexity to the event and Germany even brought a live band complete with an accordion.,Though it did get crowded at times things stayed civil.,Henna (which was also provided on Monday) made an appearance again at the fair.,The German attracted quite a bit of attention with its flavorful dishes.,Students also presented a little bit of culture from Eritrea- a country east of the Sudan.,The display on Bolivia contained interesting facts and figures. ,Origami was also available for crafty and creative people.,Artifacts and tools also were featured on many of the tables. ,Culinary Arts provided a variety of professionally made dishes- shown here is a stir fry. ,Bright posters also added to the occasion- completed with colorful decorations. ,India went full out from traditional saris to spices and jewelry.,Libya was decked out in the national colors.,Guatemala had a fun quiz for students to test their knowledge. ,Space was tight so in order to get a strong representation of their country students often use miniature or symbolic items. ,The sheer variety didn’t faze many students who had gone to previous villages.,Cool and refreshing drinks such as the mango and orange juice mixture shown here helped keep things enjoyable.,Flags played a big role in identifying each country as well as for decoration.,France gave out chocolate mousse and candy- much to the delight of the student population. ,At the end of the event students happily full from the global cuisine went back to classes. ,,,,,” data_grid_order=”true”][/TS_VCSC_Lightbox_Gallery][vc_empty_space]
What was your favorite memory from this year’s Global Village?
Siena Juhlin • Apr 14, 2016 at 10:35 pm
I really enjoyed global village and Im so glad they included it in bearing news. I really enjoy all these pictures because they really capture the essence of global village.
Emily Oba • Mar 22, 2016 at 9:15 pm
My first experience with Global Village was overall pretty good, a little chaotic, but overall interesting and fun to look at other countries cultures. I liked looking back at all the pictures, and it’s also good for people who missed Global Village and wants to see what they missed.
19JL01 • Mar 20, 2016 at 3:44 pm
I loved how the photos were the centerpiece of the story and placed in a collage format. For readers who did not get to attend the global village the images were able to give the audience a recap of the day. I also liked how you could hover over the picture and read a little bit about the booth or country you were looking at.