With the bitter cold temperatures starting to creep up on us, the biting cold winds are sure to take a toll on my lips this winter. Every year, it is a hassle to deal with chapped lips during this time of year, and I am always looking for the best moisturizers out there to combat this side-effect of the snowy season. However, it hadn’t occurred to me that using an exfoliating product, from time to time, would be a good way of helping heal chapped lips. Using a product that is a bit abrasive helps to remove dead skin off your lips, and allows for a smooth surface to apply lip balm and allow for faster healing. With this knowledge, I was inspired to try out this DIY sugar lip scrub recipe off of Pinterest, as it seemed to be a simple project that would be exactly what I needed, and am sure others would benefit from, this winter.
What you will need:- Small container (such as a carmex container or an old contact lens case)
- 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
- ¼ tablespoon of Vaseline
- 1 tablespoon of sugar
- Small bowl

- Take out your small bowl, and add 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and ¼ tablespoon of Vaseline. Then, mix the two products together thoroughly.
- Next, add a tablespoon of granulated sugar to the mixture, and just stir into until the three items are combined.
- Lastly, put the scrub you just made into a small closed container (I used an old carmex container) and use from time to time to exfoliate your lips.
With only three simple steps required, and just a couple of ingredients that you can find around the house, this DIY lip scrub is definitely a must-try. I already tried out this scrub, and found that it is as simple to use as it was to make. All I did was rinse my lips with warm water, dry them off, then take a little bit of the scrub and rub it on my lips in a circular motion. After that, I just rinsed off the scrub, patted my lips dry, and followed up with a lip balm. Using this scrub resulted in much softer lips, in my opinion, and the Vaseline and coconut oil in the scrub made it moisturizing even before I applied lip balm.

This DIY scrub is something I can definitely see myself using quite frequently, but too often, as I don’t want to be too abrasive on my lips. However, using this from time to time will hopefully prevent my lips from getting chapped this winter if I use it often enough. And honestly, I am sure I will use this scrub, since it does taste pretty good too! In summary, after completing this DIY lip scrub, this is a project I would definitely recommend others to create and use due to the simplicity of the project but also because of the obvious benefit it provides.
By Manal Salim