Closing the light guiding our feet down endless streets, we ventured into the night searching for cheep, vintage shops and a fantastic bakery (which we never found). FInally giving up and running low on energy after burning off our massive lunch, we decided to call it a night, return home, and get to work for the next day.
This may not come across as surprising, but there are obvious differenes between being 14 and 17. The maturity and the want to explore anything around you grows dramatically, deepening your love for being an adventurer, a master of the long walks and grand views. With my hand-me-down riding boots at feet and my cute French-style hat warming my head, I set out with five amazing individuals while enjoying freedom in the fantastic, fast-paced city of Boston. I visited before when I was 14 my mother and I made our way to this legendary city, but we never really experienced the corners and crevices of the life around Boston. I was blown away with just the first two days, and I cannot wait to see what more comes.
Let me begin with this photo….
After a long morning of travel beginning at one A.M., the sight of this beautiful store made my day. In order to make this experience seem more artistic than it really was, I include this random man, walking and adding action to the picture. Pretty sweet, right?
After we arrived in Boston, we waiting in a freezing train station while laughing about Harry Potter and random accents we wish existed. Needless to say, we were acting totally normal….
This pizza speaks for itself. Yes, if you follow me on Instagram, you have seen this. But, I feel as if this needs to be shared over and over. This is from the New Market pizza store, freshly made right before our glutinous eyes and more delicious than you can imagine!
A day of not eating leads to fantastic pizza.
I do believe I took this photo at sunset, which occurs around 5 p.m. in Boston. This was the first night we spent in our awesome hotel, wasting hours on our computers and making ourselves feel successful only talking about homework rather than actually attempting to do so. I would go into detail about how I love this light, but I’ll just let you enjoy it for yourself!
At this point, all we wanted was sleep. But, we dragged our sorry butts out of our hotel room and pushed on to the local art museum. It was free to experice all the art for a special night of donations, so why would we sleep and not enjoy art?
The style of this photo is very controversial. The unfocused aspects of the composition can drive people crazy, and it can also lead others to fall in love. What I love about this photograph is the fact that Boston is constantly moving, no one truly slows down. Bostonites finish one thing them immediately move on to another, making it hard to live in the moment. I love this aspect of the city, the ignorant, mindless work of America; it’s sad and beautiful.
We were wating for our bus in the usual Boston cold, awaiting our arrival to the art museum.
Artsy, right? Kind of…. I had many cold friends wait for me to take this photo. Good thing it only took the longest, coldest, most painful 30 second of our time in Boston. Needless to say, the ocean makes every blow of the wind fatal and chilling to the bone. At least this city is breathtakingly beautiful!
Search for the art museum led us to many wrong turns and interesting shadow/light combonations. I do not regret a step.
I do not remember the name of this building. It’s located on Copley Square, an amazing area to shop and eat all the while sipping Starbucks and reading the latest newspaper. The lights illuminate the skateboarders hanging out and smoking on the steps, the busy bees running home to catch a quick bite before bed or heading off for a nine o’clock run at the two gyms near by. Copley is always busy and always entertaining, full of strange faces and history.
Being so tired from travel, our departure from the art museum came quickly as we searched for our dinner and the fasted way back to our beds. We settled for a local, Chipoltle-like resaraunt which was more delicious than you can imagine through words!
This is my favorite photo. Buses and metros bring so many people together. They are the two most quite aspects of the city, full of strangers having nothing to say to each other and minds thinking away while they are completely plugged into their headphones.
After a great night of rest, we took out to concur the city in the day light. We had many adventures and found ourselves lost many times! But, it was such a blast!
We enjoyed a massive lunch at a vegan Thai restaurant right outside Chinatown. Boba tea, rice and curry filled us with energy as we prepared for the next sixish hours preparing for us, leading our bodies to corners of Boston we didn’t know we would experience. It was so much food, we didn’t even buy dessert.
After such a huge meal, the only thing to do was keep walking!
Closing the light guiding our feet down endless streets, we ventured into the night searching for cheep, vintage shops and a fantastic bakery (which we never found). Finally giving up and running low on energy after burning off our massive lunch, we decided to call it a night, return home, and get to work for the next day.
I fell in love with Boston in less than two days. The pace of the city and the awesome cultural mix makes everything interesting and fun to explore. Taking the bus and metro is fun, regardless of the amount of germs roaming around everything you touch. What makes Boston better is the travel with many others. Jokes and laughs fly about as young adults master the huge city of Boston, one step, bite, and photo at a time. I would love to live in Boston where studios are only $1,800 and mind-blowing things happen every second. Boston, you have a new girl. Get ready, her I come!
I like the fact that the pictures you took all depict the scene and experience of being in Boston very well, I also enjoyed that the pictures were not the big, monumental things, but the more simple things
The food looks really good. Whenever i go places, I like to talke pictures of little and unique things but my parents force me to take posed pictures of them. So next year if I go to a trip with my Journalism class then I am going to take pictures of everything
Ronel • Nov 19, 2013 at 8:08 am
I like the fact that the pictures you took all depict the scene and experience of being in Boston very well, I also enjoyed that the pictures were not the big, monumental things, but the more simple things
Devesh Kumar • Nov 15, 2013 at 12:53 pm
The food looks really good. Whenever i go places, I like to talke pictures of little and unique things but my parents force me to take posed pictures of them. So next year if I go to a trip with my Journalism class then I am going to take pictures of everything