Most days, one can find the McSparins and Grahams together in the Advanced Placement Biology room after school, discussing weekend plans, course objectives, shared students and stories about the Graham twins. Both couples’ relationships have flourished at RBHS, the Grahams’ for a decade and the McSparins’ for just a few months. For Valentine’s Day, the four teachers shared the stories of their proposals and progression of their relationships.
Tyler McSparin, who is substituting for Gregory Kirchhofer’s AP and honors chemistry classes, and Jamie McSparin, who teaches astronomy and environmental science, went to prom together when they were teens themselves. Now, they’re back at high school together, as teachers rather than students. Listen to the McSparins tell the story of their adventures and relationship.Photo courtesy of Jamie McSparinAP World History teacher David Graham and AP Biology teacher Kerri Graham met at Rock Bridge. While they both still teach here, their relationship has evolved. Hear the Grahams discuss this progression.Photo courtesy of David GrahamPodcast by Maddie Magruder
Interviews by Nomin-Erdene Jagdagdorj Do you have one of these teachers? What is your favorite story of them in the classroom?
Sophie Whyte • Feb 14, 2013 at 10:18 am
This is so sweet! Good job
Maria Kalaitzandonakes • Feb 13, 2013 at 8:53 pm
Jilly • Feb 13, 2013 at 7:06 pm
This is one of the best stories you’ve ever done, adorable.