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The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

photo by Manal Salim

Raise in minimum wage leads to greater employment

Ross Parks February 21, 2014

At the beginning of this year, the state of Missouri raised the federal minimum wage by 15 cents to $7.50 an hour.  While aimed at a singular portion of the population, a raise  is actually given to...

The Model UN team traveled to Washington today. This is a view from their hotel. Photo by Ross Parks

Model United Nations off to NAIMUN

Ross Parks February 13, 2014

[slider source="media: 259077,259076,259075" height="340" speed="500"]As of today, the Rock Bridge Model United Nations team headed off to the North American Invitational Model United Nations competition....

The center of Media

The center of Media

Ross Parks February 11, 2014

For the third, untimely installment of this blog, I would like to turn the attention to yet another area of school that baffles me in more than one way. It's whatever you want to call it: the Media Center,...

'Labor Day' proves to be a story for the heart, not the mind

‘Labor Day’ proves to be a story for the heart, not the mind

Ross Parks February 7, 2014

Jason Reitman’s most recent film Labor Day, the story of a disjointed New England family in the late 1980s that briefly crosses paths with a fugitive,has a slightly unbelievable plot, but somehow maintains...

Cheaters take the lead

Cheaters take the lead

Ross Parks December 16, 2013

Though cheating may be the worry of many educators and students, the strange fact is, it is not all that rare. According to, cheating is defined as, “representing someone else’s work...

Art by Maddy Mueller

NSA purpose seems noble, agency’s aims may contain flaws

Ross Parks December 13, 2013

  The recent scandals within the United States government and the National Security Agency and those circling around Edward Snowden have led to the revelation that the U.S. government is spying on...

Haulin’ through the halls

Haulin’ through the halls

Ross Parks December 10, 2013

As humans, it seems we make life far more complicated than it needs to be. The endless rules established by society pressure each of us to perform and understand a nearly unfathomable list of duties and...

Bathroom Etiquette

Bathroom Etiquette

Ross Parks November 8, 2013

It seems we make life far more complicated than it needs to be. The endless rules established by society pressure each of us to perform and understand a nearly unfathomable list of duties and etiquette....

Freedom deemed hazardous under new policy

Freedom deemed hazardous under new policy

Ross Parks November 5, 2013

In last year’s visit from Wayne Walker, the first principal and founder of many of the school’s core ideals, remarked on how he remembered the school, and how he felt proud the school has stayed true...

Students can find the EOS survey on the RBHS homepage. Photo by Ross Parks

EOS survey works to bridge achievement gap

Ross Parks October 31, 2013

Recently, teachers have been asking students to complete the EOS survey. They strongly suggest that  “90 to 100 percent of [students],” students complete this annual questionnaire, Media Center...

Cross country team returns from Minnesota meet

Cross country team returns from Minnesota meet

Ross Parks October 2, 2013

The Roy Griak Invitational, hosted at the University of Minnesota, found Bruin cross country runners in their third meet of the season Thursday, Friday and Saturday. After a nine-hour bus ride, the JV...

A local Blacksmith contributes to the ‘olden days’ aesthetic of the festival whilst preforming his craft.

Annual Heritage Festival triggers nostalgia

Ross Parks October 1, 2013

  For years, man has searched for a way to alter the fabric of time and yet, the collective attempts by humanity have all fallen short, and we remain in the present. However, for those living in...

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