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The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

Seasonal depression affects high school students as leaves begin to fall

Seasonal depression affects high school students as leaves begin to fall

McKenna Parker, Features Editor October 10, 2023

The seasons are changing, and so is students’ mental health.  With temperatures dropping as fall arrives, the overall mental health and well-being of the population may decrease as well, according...

Art by Devin Hall.

Viewers’ perception of social media impacts health

Anjali Noel Ramesh February 28, 2021
A clear and exact definition of body image, according to the National Eating Disorders Collaboration (NEDC), is “a person's perception of their physical self and the thoughts and feelings, positive, negative or both, which result from that perception.” This impression is usually formulated by internal judgements, but can be impacted by external factors in the process.
Art by Rachel Stevens.

Adopting self care habits helps hinder mental pressure

Anjali Noel Ramesh February 12, 2021
before I started high school, all my older friends talked about was the torment junior year would give me. Standardized testing, high level classes, extracurriculars and mountains of homework were its challenges, and tears and mental breakdowns were the outcome. Naturally, I entered freshman year with a colossal fear of the impending 11th grade.
Photo by Sophie Eaton. Art by Rachel Stevens.

Virtual learning leaves impact on mental health

Nora Crutcher-McGowan October 8, 2020
As students adapt to new academic norms, they will also maneuver through an aspect of their lives that intertwines with academics and has implications related to learning from a distance- their mental health. 
Photo by Audrey Novinger

Creative coping: students, teachers use music, art, movement to relax during COVID-19 pandemic

Audrey Novinger May 3, 2020
From scrapbooking to practicing an instrument to going on a walk, students and teachers find ways to be creative during the COVID-19 pandemic.
To teach students healthy practices, CPS must have mental health course

To teach students healthy practices, CPS must have mental health course

Anna Xu April 14, 2020
As the world moves toward efficiency and people build bonds with computers rather than their fellow humans, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to be truly gratified and happy. Educators often overlook mental health curriculum, but while health in the form of exercise and nutrition exist, mental health is equally if not more valuable. Society needs to change, and it starts with teaching. 
Photo from envato elements.

Over exaggerating emotions understates real mental illnesses

Anjali Noel Ramesh February 4, 2020
Unnecessary jokes about mental illness dramatize the real conditions and should not be a habitual tendency. Labeling the response to a tough day as a psychological illness not only disrespects patients who actually have the condition, but also takes away from the gravity of the situation.
Art by Snowy Li

Helping professions leave workers to manage self-care

Sarah Ding February 2, 2020
In fields where emotional support is necessary ⁠— medicine, teaching and social work ⁠— individuals are especially vulnerable to burnout and other stress-related phenomena such as compassion fatigue and secondary traumatic stress.
I grow through my BuJo

I grow through my BuJo

Snowy Li January 22, 2020
As a student who sees too many big blocks of texts and numbers in class, my BuJo contains places where I can doodle, put my thoughts down on paper and add designs I find beautiful. It’s a reminder that my world is not just grades and deadlines printed in boring black and white.
Art by Riley Kerns

Unplugged: taking breaks improves health

Audrey Novinger November 19, 2019
A stack of papers. An empty coffee mug. The flourescent light of a computer screen at 10:30 p.m. That half-completed to-do list sitting on the edge of a desk. While it can be difficult to squeeze in breaks during a busy day, downtime is crucial to maintaining overall health, according to Mayo Clinic. 
Depression does not condemn you

Depression does not condemn you

Turner DeArmond October 28, 2019
For most of my life, I believed I was just like the kids around me. Maybe I was a little more sensitive and a little more emotional than my peers, but I thought that was just my personality. I had days riddled with bad temper and unhappiness, but everyone has hard times, right? 
Undying Love

Undying Love

Snowy Li October 4, 2019
Students, staff share how pets affect their everyday lives.
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