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The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

Illness or Absence?

Anjali Noel Ramesh October 1, 2019

[vc_text_separator title="Adolescents struggle between choosing schoolwork or recovery days" title_align="separator_align_left"] On the night Oct. 31 of 2017, current junior Lola Gingerich broke her arm...

"I just stay away from people with it. I wash my hands."What would you do if someone with the flu was coming at you right now?"I'd probably run away." --Michale Cedillo, sophomore

on the flu outbreak

Ann Fitzmaurice January 25, 2018
The 2018 flu outbreak is the most widespread since record began 13 years ago. With the diagnosis and death rate high and rising, RBHS students and staff reflect on how they have tried to prevent the flu this season.
Flu vaccine production falters, injects concerns

Flu vaccine production falters, injects concerns

Alice Yu December 11, 2015

Throughout the years, flu vaccinations have been funded by a variety of sources. This year, however, the issue was the production, not the funding, of the vaccines.  Before the Public Health and Human...

A listening ear

A listening ear

Grace Vance May 28, 2014

Last year a piece of my heart went missing.  But it was my ear that was searching for it.  It was the time of day when the sun finally settled down, and the Earth shifted into a feeling of comfort and...

Wrestling loses to Jays in devastating match

Wrestling loses to Jays in devastating match

Atreyo Ghosh February 5, 2013

Yesterday, the RBHS wrestling team faced the Jefferson City Jays on home turf at 6:00 p.m. Before the varsity team took to the mat, the JV team suffered a 0-72 loss, largely due to the number of forfeits....

art by Hyelee Won

Cultural differences affect diagnoses of disorders

Afsah Khan December 16, 2012

While flu season infects anywhere from five percent to 20 percent of the U.S. population, some diseases aren’t spread through viral or bacterial means. Some diseases and conditions are spread through...

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