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The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

Kristin Reed

Kristin Reed

Sarah Mosteller September 11, 2019

What were your surroundings when you first heard about the destruction of the twin towers? “I was in my 20s, and I was working at the University of Missouri as a teacher assistant, so basically I...

James Meyer

James Meyer

Sarah Mosteller September 11, 2019

What were your surroundings when you first heard about the destruction of the twin towers? “I was the second year of a two-year Master’s program at the University of Missouri, living downtown in...

Jacob Sirna

Jacob Sirna

Sarah Mosteller September 11, 2019

What were your surroundings when you first heard about the destruction of the twin towers? “I was student teaching over at Oak Park High School over in Kansas City, Missouri. So, we had televisions...

Leah Johnson

Leah Johnson

Sarah Mosteller September 11, 2019

What were your surroundings when you first heard about the destruction of the twin towers? “So, I was at home and I had a three-year-old and a 15-month-old. So, I was at home with my kids watching...

Photo by Sarah Mosteller.

David Graham

Sarah Mosteller September 11, 2019

What were your surroundings when you first heard about the destruction of the twin towers? “I was at Rock Bridge and another teacher came in and said, ‘Did you hear that the World Trade Center got...

Bet Menen (10) working on homework in the Atrium.

The inevitability of high school stress

Multiple Authors May 24, 2019

[penci_fancy_heading _text_align="left" title="The overwhelming weight of sports, relationships and academics on students" block_id="penci_fancy_heading-1558457492506" _separator_icon_color="#2bb673"]ays...

Food creates memories, connections

Food creates memories, connections

Multiple Authors May 24, 2019

[vc_custom_heading text="The taste of home" google_fonts="font_family:Roboto%3A100%2C100italic%2C300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C500%2C500italic%2C700%2C700italic%2C900%2C900italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal"]Coming...

Consciousness by Moy Zhong

Biomimicry influences architecture

George Frey April 26, 2019
In the connection between the designs of mother nature and those of humankind, designers use biomimicry, the replication of unique singularities in nature, to their advantage.
92 Seconds

92 Seconds

Ann Fitzmaurice April 25, 2019
Every 92 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted. Seven RBHS students, current and former, have stepped forward to share their experiences.
Illustrated by Sarah Kuhlmann.

Student reflects on social media use, impact on adolescents

Ann Fitzmaurice March 26, 2019
Social media impacts virtually every aspect of an adolescent's life, from disrupting sleep patterns to interfering with family time.
Photos by Allie Pigg, Camryn DeVore, Sophie Eaton, Bailey Stover. Illustrated by Sarah Kuhlmann.

‘Liked,’ not loved

Anna Xu March 26, 2019
From photoshopping pictures to surgically changing appearance, adolescents spend both time and money in an attempt to mask their physical insecurities, whether it is to have clear skin, full lips or a small nose.
English teacher Greg Irwin stayed comfortable in his sweats with a blanket wrapped around him. He said he dressed up as a "snuggly 37-year-old father of four." Photo by Allie Pigg

A snapshot of Courtwarming ‘Snow Day’

Allie Pigg February 13, 2019

Today, Wednesday, Feb. 13, was the third day of Courtwarming. Students and teachers represented the day's theme, 'Snow Day,' in bundling up for a day on the slopes or coming cozy in pajamas. Tomorrow's...

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