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The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

Feature photo by Kat Sarafianos

Universities change standardized testing requirements

Ji-Sung Lee September 22, 2018
Some colleges, such as Ball State University, have made sending test scores optional, using evidence that Grade Point Averages can be the strongest predictor of college success.
Students checking their grades on home access should be aware of all incomplete assignments.
Photo by Suriyanshi Rawat

Students weigh in on weighted grades

Jacob Sykuta February 15, 2018
Students wonder about the difference between weighted and unweighted grades and what that would entail for students who take honors and Advanced Placement classes.
Finals continue, stress affects students

Finals continue, stress affects students

Jordyn Thompson December 21, 2017
Studies have shown that stress can affect how the brain functions; killing brain cells and even affecting health
photo by Manal Salim

on the ‘A’ grade

Grace Dorsey December 14, 2017
Members of the RBHS community reflect on what it means to get an A grade and how the significance of the A grade influences their learning experience.
Junior Erin Kravichick prepares for the ACT in the media center.

3 letters determine perception of future

Maddie Murphy May 18, 2017
Students lament on the excessive use of standardized tests in modern education and the increasingly stressed importance of them in students' lives and goals.
Students balance grades and passions

Students balance grades and passions

Ben Kimchi May 17, 2017

School work and cello practices. The two used to be easy enough to balance for freshman and musician Hope Keithahn, but the transition to high school altered several aspects of her life. Keithahn came...

Challenges optimize high school experience

Challenges optimize high school experience

Ji-Sung Lee January 24, 2017
Students should value gaining information on topics that interest them rather than focusing on specific titles and perfect grades.

District weighs merits of weighted grades

Ashley Tanner November 2, 2015

Students from the Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) program at Battle High School proposed the installment of a weighted GPA system for high schools in a meeting with the Columbia Public...

Staff Editorial: Weighted Grades just might weigh students down

The Rock and Bearing News Staff November 2, 2015

[dropcap color="#b8d4e6" bgcolor="#" sradius="0"]T[/dropcap]he typical, high-achieving, American student has tunnel vision when it comes to his or her grade point average. For something as simple as a...

Stress for Success

Stress for Success

Nikol Slatinska May 6, 2015

The main purpose of high school, is of course, learning. These four years are meant to set up teens for the rest of our lives, and that’s why grades really start to matter. If your GPA is not high enough,...

Students judge one another based on grades

Students judge one another based on grades

Nicole Schroeder December 12, 2014

Every high school student I know is obsessed with his/her grades and because of the structure of our education system, rightfully so. One bad score on a student’s report card could severely affect his/her...

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