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The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

The Student News Site of Rock Bridge High School

Bearing News

Teresa Brooks walks the halls of RBHS. Photo by Camryn Devore

A Q&A with Teresa Brooks, the first female student body president at RBHS

Will Cover March 1, 2020
Teresa Brooks, who works at the University of Missouri hospital system in patient access and revenue, was the first female student body president at RBHS.
Teacher Talking To Students In College Class

CPS holds equity training to create unbiased classroom

Brandon Kim February 29, 2020
CPS annually spends $24,460 on equity training, which is learning about how to put aside biases and learn to accept different ideas and cultures. CPS has a partnership with The National Conference of Christians and Jews (NCCJ) in Saint Louis, who teaches CPS employees equity training sessions. Michelle Baumstark, the Community Relations Director of Columbia Public Schools (CPS), said CPS sends some employees to Saint Louis to be certified to teach equity lessons back at CPS.

Lack of diversity in medicine lowers quality of care

Multiple Authors February 29, 2020
As America becomes more and more diverse, the field of medicine struggles to keep up. In medicine, underrepresented minorities include African Americans, Hispanics and Native Americans. Currently, only 6% of practicing doctors are underrepresented people of color. Comparatively, this group makes up 31.5% of the U.S. population, according to ABC News. 
Bet Menen, junior

Bet Menen, junior

Camryn DeVore February 25, 2020
In celebration of Black History Month, junior Bet Menen answers questions regarding race in America, RBHS and how to address racism.
Art by Rachel Stevens

Housing reparations necessary to counteract redlining, institutionalized racism

Will Cover February 24, 2020
Housing has been the most egregious instance of discrimination in America's economy, with a 32.5% gap in homeownership between black and white Americans. This in turn drives a massive racial wealth gap because of the economic importance of owning a home. Therefore, housing reparations are needed to increase black homeownership and counteract existing biases.
Tyra Wilson, junior

Tyra Wilson, junior

Sophia Eaton February 24, 2020
In celebration of Black History Month, junior Tyra Wilson answers questions regarding race in America, RBHS and how to address racism.
Photo by Turner DeArmond.

Claire Pistono, junior

Turner DeArmond February 20, 2020
In celebration of Black History Month, junior Claire Pistono answers questions regarding race in America, RBHS and how to address racism.
Sta Omar, junior

Sta Omar, junior

Sarah Mosteller February 20, 2020
In celebration of Black History Month, junior Sta Omar answers questions regarding race in America, RBHS and how to address racism.
Amya Carson, junior

Amya Carson, junior

Sarah Mosteller February 4, 2020
Junior Amaya Carson speaks about her experiences as a person of color living in America in honor of this year's Black History Month.
Photo by Turner DeArmond.

Kierra Pilot, junior

Turner DeArmond February 3, 2020
Junior Kierra Pilot speaks about her experiences as a person of color living in America in honor of this year's Black History Month.
Art by Snowy Li

Rising student loan debt places undue burden on low-income, minority Americans

Will Cover February 1, 2020
To truly provide equal opportunity to Americans as they enter adulthood, the U.S. federal government should provide scholarships to make college free for all low-income Americans, as defined by the federal government. This would serve to not only help eliminate the racial wealth gap but would also aid all low-income students in the struggle to pay for school.
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