Don’t go another day without making a grand gesture.
What that means varies drastically from person to person. Whether it’s apologizing to an old friend, asking someone out, taking a leap in efforts to leave the friend zone, reiterating feelings that have already been confessed or realizing a loss, a grand gesture is by its nature, well, grand.
For me, when I once understood where I had gone wrong, making a grand gesture was just the way to try to go back and fix a mistake. Besides, nobody gets what she wants unless she asks for it — unless she goes after it. There is no middle ground; it’s all or nothing.
The hardest part of the grand gesture isn’t the ride up but when the door opens and the pressure of the wind surprises you; at that point, the only option is to close your eyes and jump. The worst part of putting yourself out there is not rejection. No person is worth dwelling over. No, the worst part is not knowing; wasting your time wondering won’t get you an answer.
The moment you know you’re all in, the next step is to follow through; of course, this is when courage must step in. If your grand gesture is actually important, then it will be worth putting yourself out there. At least the question no longer lingers. Either the story ends the way you intended or it doesn’t.
The execution of the gesture must be comfortable and passionate. No one will agree to a less-than-par-grand gesture. You’re already in the game, so you might as well play.
Humiliation is inevitable, especially in high school. Rather than fearing something, make it a dominant reason for action. I would much rather be remembered as the person who did what she wanted with the risk of being embarrassed than the person who had no courage.
There is no better time to go for it than now. The school year will end; people will move on, and the chance won’t come around again. My mother has always said I have a problem with wanting instant gratification. Well, she is probably right. But if I know I want something, why wouldn’t I go after it? Maybe now isn’t the right time, and maybe I’ll get hurt. But the grand gesture won’t kill me.
And maybe, just maybe, it will all work out just because.
The best part of the risk is the way it feels to have the guts to go after something. Few covet things easily attained. I won’t buy the first dress I know every other girl already has. Movies aren’t made about grand romances that just happen. The characters don’t simply meet, fall in love and the end credits start to roll. People work for what they get: top colleges, the house on the hill, perfection. People go to extreme lengths to attain these things; not everyone has the courage to try, but the ones who do are the best of the best.
When you look back at how you asked your high school crush to prom, do you want to remember that perfectly constructed text message, or would you rather remember what a boss you were for going all out? I promise, even if he says, “No,” it won’t matter in the end. Shrug the moment off and keep going.
But if he says, “Yes,” who knows what adventures await.
By Sonya Francis
… making a grand gesture
January 19, 2012
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Michelle • Mar 12, 2012 at 10:19 pm
Go for it!!!
Julia Schaller • Feb 8, 2012 at 9:01 am
Amen, sister!
Madison • Jan 19, 2012 at 8:41 pm
So perfect
Lauren • Jan 19, 2012 at 3:46 pm
Love the blog, Sonya!
Kate • Jan 19, 2012 at 2:16 pm
The show was SO GOOD! Rock Bridge or die