New apps come out daily; sometimes it almost seems by the hour. There are so many to choose from, but here are a few that shouldn’t escape your attention this week.
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Although this is quite an old app, I think it’s an essential to every phone and tablet out there. It’s great for settling confusion about ‘who acted in this movie’ or ‘what movie came out during this period.’ IMDb allows you to search actors, movies, TV shows and more. It even shows you what movies are showing in theaters right now and, if you have location services on, will allow you to get tickets to a theater close to you. If all of this hasn’t sold you: it’s also free. This is my highest recommended app of the week.
Available in the App store and the Google Play Store.
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This is an app I have had for a while, but I realized a lot of people do not know of this treasure. It’s essentially an app filled with funny memes, photos, fails and more. I quite frequently get on for a chuckle here and there. It’s great because you can save photos to your phone’s library or you can just hit the smiley face button to save it to your smiles which is a great way to keep all of your favorites. For anyone who enjoys a good laugh, but doesn’t want to waste time looking through Twitter or Facebook for those funny photos, iFunny is that app to get.
Available in the App store and the Google Play Store.
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100 Balls
As I was searching for some games to put on my new phone, I went through 10 or so apps before I came across an app that was actually fun. Now, I have only played this game a few times, but I’ve enjoyed it each time; I’m not a habitual game player so keeping a game on my phone is sort of a big deal. The game is fairly easy; you start off with 100 balls and three cups that go around in a circle. Each time the cup falls under where the balls come out, you tap your screen to try and get the balls inside the cups. As time goes on, you get more cups, lose balls and level up. My best score is 698, which got me to level 23, and that’s only after three or four plays. It’s an easy, yet entertaining game that I’d recommend anyone to at least try out.
Available in the App store.
By Renata Williams
Apps of the week: IMDb, iFunny and 100 Balls
December 16, 2014

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