In room 134 during first hour B days, Vera Reichlin’s advisory not only designed a award-winning door dec that included a life sized Candyland game consisting of a “veteran valley” made out of candy cane trees and a “food bank forest” containing giant lollipops, the class also formed bonds and taught some life lessons, sophomore Madison McDonnell said.
Making the door decs “made us come together as a team,” McDonnell said. “We all participated in a common goal and that made us stronger as an advisory and helped us connect with each other.”
As well as ethics being strengthened in the process, RBHS counselor Melissa Coil, the coordinator of advisory for the last five years and judge of the B day door decs, also mentioned that the theme this year was not as easy to portray as it has been in previous years.
“I think that the theme wasn’t necessarily easy to carry out in a door dec because it wasn’t something super specific so I think some people struggled with ‘What do we really do?’” Coil said. “The nice thing about it not being specific is that it really lended itself to people to be more creative so some people completely took it and ran with it and really came up with some super creative stuff.”
The winning advisories, which consisted of A day, Fancher, Jorgenson, Weber and Winslow, and B day, Reichlin, Engebritson, Elsbury and Weaver, all received 10 points toward the Advisory Olympics, in which the two advisories with the highest amount of points will compete for the grand prize of a pizza party at the next assembly. But for now, the winning advisories are celebrating their door dec victories, senior mentor Ryan Stanowski said.
“I don’t know [how to celebrate] yet,” Stanowski said, “but I’ll probably pick up donuts and watch a movie Friday.”
Even though only one advisory per block could win, each gained something a little more and the decorations get the student body into the excitement of homecoming, Coil said. Just the teamwork and dedication put towards the door decs was award-worthy.
“For each advisory it’s the first opportunity for them to really get together and work hand-in-hand on specific things,” Coil said. “In a whole sense, it’s supposed to help build the community and I think it does that within the advisory and also in the whole Rock Bridge community because everyone [looks] forward to door decs.”
By Kaitlyn Marsh
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Which was your favorite dec?