The RBHS heating ventilation and air conditioning unit shut down yesterday, Oct. 10.
Media Center Specialist Dennis Murphy, a school technician accidentally pulled the wrong hub box out of the computer system, which caused the HVAC system, controlled by one central computer to fail.
“Those little hubs that we are using all over the place interfere with the wireless internet,” Murphy said. “And it slows down our whole network so now we replace them with direct wiring.”
Temperatures were in the 80s throughout the week. Although school technicians solved the problem, it can still take days for the temperature to readjust, and at 8:30 a.m. today the temperature in the media center was still 76 degrees.
Some teachers and students on the north side of the building faced the adverse effects of the shut down, as well. Social studies teacher Dan Ware says he got an email from administration to teachers on the north side that the temperatures in their rooms would increase, but he can’t do anything to solve it.
“We can’t control the temperature in our room because it is a problem with the computer that runs the air conditioning,” Ware said.
Dr. Jennifer Mast, assistant principal in charge of building operations, said the control wire to the computer system may have caused he damage. Mast also said it was strictly a computer issue and that the HVAC machines are in perfect working order, but it will still take some time to lower the temperatures again.
“When you’re circulating the air and not cooling it, it can be fairly warm,” Mast said. “I know we’ve had some rooms near 80 degrees.”
Murphy said everything is now working, but it will take time before the temperatures are back to normal.
“I don’t think that the temperatures are very high now,” Murphy said. “I’m perfectly comfortable.”
Although in some parts of the school the temperature has plummetted, fans can still be spotted in rooms throughout RBHS.
By Luke ChvalIt feels like fall outside but some RBHS rooms feel like mid-August. Which kind of weather do you like best?