I may be spouting the biggest cliche ever, but fall is finally here. It’s about time to start incorporating fall clothes into one’s wardrobe, and there are a few key pieces that girls who are into the more fashionable side of the spectrum should have. I’ve put together a list of Fall Fashion Essentials and sites where I would go to look for them.
Light Oversized Sweaters

Big seems to be in. But it’s done in a cute, fashionable way. There are many ways to find the perfect over-sized sweater, though I find that it’s easiest to just buy a sweater that is 2-3 sizes too big. That way it is an over-sized sweater for real. I used the word “light” to describe the sweaters because it’s just fall and the weather tends to be in the mid-lower range so thick clothes are not yet needed.
Where to find them:

Ladies, it’s time to pull out your leggings. Any type, from your plain to your patterned, is in. It’s honestly hard to go wrong with leggings and if you shop the right places, you can find them for cheap. My fall favorites will probably be the patterned or cut-out leggings because they add some edge to your outfit. I’ve personally acquired flower patterned ones that are in right now (or at least in my head they are).
Where to find them:

It’s simple. Tall boots, short boots, even the mid-length boots; fall is coming up and it’s time to pull out those boots. And I know I am not the only one excited to wear their boots or buy more for the upcoming weather. Fall calls for boots of all kinds and I am the most excited to pull out my rain boots and find outfits to incorporate them with because you can only wear them oh so often. Last year, combat boots and riding boots really took over, but I see this year as being more of a Doc-Marten (or Doc-Marten look alike) sort of period.
I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for boot weather already.
Where to find them:
- Cardigan(s)
- Leather jacket(s)
- Tights
- Knee-high/thigh-high socks
- Scarves
- Other fall essentials: