Small, outdated general stores may not be very well known, but its the simple things that you enjoy.“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.” ― John MuirThe fungi face the morning sun, ‘looking’ for energy.A spider rests on it’s web where the morning dew has made a blanket.Hikers come and go, and this turtle pulls his shell up like a kid pulls a blanket over his head.With different kinds of spider webs, comes different kinds of dew. Some are big droplets while others frost the tops.The fungi only grows where the morning sun shines through.The fungi, growing in the morning sun, forms a stair step-like formation as it grows on the side of a fallen log.The daddy long leg rests on the fungi in the sun.As the early morning sun rises, the dew drops begin to fall off their bed on the spiderweb.
Imagine waking up, strapping on your hiking boots, and going for a two hour walk just to clear you mind. As you walk, you experience the simplest, yet most beautiful things about nature. Fungi growing on the side of a long, dew drops on the bed of a spiderweb, and creatures doing their daily thing.
Ronel • Nov 19, 2013 at 8:03 am
These pictures are quite amazing! Good job Ms. Obermiller! I especially loved the fungi facing the sun
Atreyo Ghosh • Nov 14, 2013 at 12:22 am
Amazing author, amazing photos! I love the turtle find!