More than 25 percent of the student body will graduate, and those seniors are planning for their post secondary education. To aid this process for these seniors, as well as the rest of the students, RBHS will host College and Career Village Friday.
Representatives from various colleges will set up tables in the gym where students will be free to roam and learn about different schools. Freshman and sophomores must attend two Career Panel discussions or special presentations before going to lunch and the college fair. Juniors and Seniors must attend one presentation or panel before going to lunch and the college fair.
Guidance planted the seed of the idea for a CCV a few years ago, and RBHS hosted the first one last year. Both guidance counselor Rachel Reed and activities director David Bones have been active in planning and informing teachers of the CCV.
“It was [guidance’s] idea as a way to give students a more direct interaction with potential career pathways,” Bones said, “and really a chance to interact with college recruiters and get college information kind of all at one time.”
First and second hour will be shortened in order to accommodate the CCV, which will occur between second and third block and may bleed into juniors’ and seniors’ lunch time. Despite this, senior Ashley Reichert is looking forward to the CCV. Reichert plans on attending the University of Missouri – Columbia and is glad for the opportunity to speak with the representative from the school.
“I thought [the CCV] really helped me get an idea of what colleges were out there,” Reichert said. “It kind of got me thinking about college and where I wanted to go and what I need to do.”
RBHS plans on keeping up the tradition and continuing the CCV for years to come.
“The idea is to do [the CCV] every other year,” Bones said, “so that through the course of four years a student will have two chances to go to the college and career fair.”
By Trisha Chaudhary