With graduation right around the corner many seniors are getting anxious and worried to start their high-school-free lives. Others are looking back on the year and realizing that in the process of trying to prepare for the stressful start of college they have sacrificed their own social lives.
“I feel like I haven’t seen my friends all year” and “All I’ve been doing lately is homework, me and my friends never spend time together” are just some of the things that were said when interviewing RBHS students about their senior year.
Senior Parker Adams has lived in Columbia his whole life, and is finding it hard to accept that he is leaving to go to KU next year.
“I’ve had the same friend group since Kindergarten so it will be sad to go away,” Adams said, “but I hope that I won’t lose touch with all of my oldest friends.”
Senior Robert Peebler is a little more used to moving; he has been moving all his life, from France to Missouri and countless other places. Peebler is also hoping that he won’t lose touch with the friends he’s made in Columbia, but realizes at the same time how unrealistic that can be.
“It’s always hard leaving everyone, I’ve made some good relationships here, but I think it’s important to make relationships in college too,” Peebler said. “Yeah. of course I’m going to try to keep in contact with my friends but trying to make new friends could interfere with that.”
While many seniors are just now understanding the importance of balancing a schedule senior Tyree Turner, who is finishing his second senior year, had to learn it early.
“Last year all I did was hang out with friends, having to do my senior year over again has taught me how to keep my social life alive while still doing my school work,” he said.
Similar to other RBHS students Turner feels the pressure of having two weeks left of school filled with finals, good-byes, and the excitement of the end of the year.
“Graduation is a bittersweet ending to the school year that I have worked hard to accomplish,” Turner said.
By Hallie Galvan