Belatedly, I am finding my voice, to thank my school community upon being named RBHS Teacher of the Year. Having that recognition is a confidence boost — suggesting that the ways in which I approach teaching are understood, perhaps effective, and certainly appreciated. That means so much. It’s a huge boost!
Each May assembly when the “drum roll” starts to announce this distinction, I look about at so many colleagues in that gym who could easily be the person with plaque and bouquet in their arms. I know that I am not unique. This school is rich in gifted teachers, and the students know it. Almost every student has a favorite teacher.
A favorite teacher gets your brain going, gives you a reason to turn on your effort, your creativity… or helps you feel safe, respected, and at home. Or all of these! Each student has his or her own reasons for identifying a favorite, and understandably so, because each student has unique ways of being, of learning, of processing life.
To each student, I encourage to you let your own “Teacher of the Year” know that he or she has made that difference for you this year. And to each of my colleagues, I want you to know that you inspire me. I am grateful to my colleagues for our dynamic collaborations and to my students for their —- dynamic collaborations! Together, we create a unique community for learning.
With gratitude,
Mary Margaret Coffield
See images of Mary Margaret Coffield receiving her award at the Flashback assembly here.
See images of Mary Margaret Coffield receiving her award at the Flashback assembly here.
Maria Kalaitzandonakes • May 9, 2013 at 7:28 am
such a charismatic teacher!!
Jilly • May 6, 2013 at 5:49 pm
Mrs. Coffield deserved it, I’m so glad she was recognized Friday!