Earlier this year the knowledge and hatred of SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) went viral because it would give the government too much power over what could be done on the Internet.
Then came along CISPA (Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act) that also increased control over consumer but for a better purpose than SOPA. SOPA’s main goal was to eliminate privacy to crack down on piracy of copyrighted works; however, CISPA is aimed towards allowing more exchange of usage information in the interest of limiting cyber threats.
Now the purpose of CISPA is great, as it will cut down on cyber threats; however, the privacy concerns are growing greater and greater since it allows companies to share any personal data among them.
As the Huffington Post states, “In passing the measure, the House not only refused to address the privacy concerns raised but instead expanded the areas in which information may be shared beyond just cyber security”. Privacy concerns at this stage may be the downfall of the act in the Senate and the White House.
I have talked about the value of privacy to the average consumer and how it really isn’t a large concern for most people. (See this article.) With the value of privacy so low among modern Internet users, it raises the question would/should anyone care about CISPA? The intended use being to be used against security threats limits CISPA, but companies and the government no longer have to have the consent to do this.
CISPA protects companies from all liability of sharing data with each other that is precisely why many companies have been dead silent about CISPA unlike the big fiasco that SOPA caused.
Gigaom shares the some insight; “CISPA doesn’t harm the self-interest of Silicon Valley companies so they have little incentive to kick up dust.” With little talk on the Internet about this act, it is unlikely that people are fully informed resulting in little debate among the people. People debating always improve current issues and make the people’s voice heard without this CISPA will just pass as is.
CISPA is still in its infancy and still needs the Senate and President’s sign off. Many revisions are ahead of it leading to many changes and alterations. I greatly urge you to read more about CISPA and become an informed citizen.
By John Gillis
CISPA will trade security for privacy
May 5, 2012
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Erik Miller • May 9, 2012 at 11:49 am
I’ve known about CISPA since SOPA was destroyed (about a two weeks afterwards), so this isn’t that new to me, but I’m glad that someone has brought it up.