Emily Weigand
Chickens in cages at Agriculture day Oct. 17.

Caitlyn Gabrielson (10th)
“I really like [AG day], it’s fun, I get to see animals I don’t usually get to see, and it’s just a fun experience.”

Rew Wallace (11th)
“[Ag day makes me] feel happy because my partner is obsessed with animals, they dragged me around… wanting to look and pet all the animals, seeing their smile was totally worth it. ”

AJ Wankum (12th)
“It’s wonderful… [we] get to see the sector of the agriculture department we have here at rockbridge… we have an amazing agricultural program.”

Cazz Kahl (12th)
“I love the variety that we get here… we get a bunch of different animal and plant things as well, I love teaching people about the booth that I bring, which is the rats, because there are a lot of bad misconceptions about them.”
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