It’s a common stereotype — dog people hate cats, and cat people (and their kitties) hate everything and everybody. To love a sweet pup must lead to a healthy life full of exercise, generosity and extroversion; a feline lover, though, likes to stay home without the hustle and bustle of human activity because of shyness, introversion or both. While these cliches might have some slight truth to them, it’s important to remember everyone has pets for different reasons, and both can be beneficial in various ways.[penci_text_block block_title_align=”style-title-left” css=”.vc_custom_1579844681013{margin-top: -20px !important;border-top-width: -20px !important;}”]I, for one, identify as someone who will grow up to be a crazy cat lady. From having a kitty-themed mug to little feline plushies tucked away neatly on my shelves, my house holds a plethora of cat decorations everywhere because I just like these fuzzy friends so much. My family has just one cat named Daisy. She is a white American Shorthair who loves to curl up on the couch during sunny weather and then incessantly meow when she’s hungry. One day, I realized I was kind of similar to her in many ways — I love to sleep, especially in a toasty room, and I love to eat. Then, I found out that other avid cat people had parallels to my personality and life.
In general, those who prefer felines share similar personalities that differ from those who like dogs better. For instance, one study by Samuel D. Gosling, Carson J. Sandy and Jeff Potter tested participants’ personalities by giving them a version of the Big Five Inventory test, which rates where someone falls on the spectrum for five character traits:[/penci_text_block][/vc_column_inner][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column_inner][penci_text_block block_title_align=”style-title-left” css=”.vc_custom_1579844942576{margin-top: -20px !important;}”]conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness and extraversion/introversion. Results from the study showed cat people are more inclined to be reserved and neurotic than dog people, with these results concluding similarly but at generally lower levels in men than women. While neuroticism doesn’t immediately come up when I think of myself, I constantly overthink and worry about all things miniscule to grandiose; I do like to stay away from large gatherings, however, like many cat people.
Moreover, there were also surprising findings on personality differences among these owners than what some people might expect from common stereotypes, researcher Pauleen Bennett, director of the Anthrozoology Research Group in Australia, said. She explained the fifth [section of this study] was[/penci_text_block][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][penci_text_block block_title_align=”style-title-left” css=”.vc_custom_1579846806164{margin-top: -30px !important;}”]being open to new experiences, and those who identified as a cat person scored higher there. Although people are likely to think felines and their owners’ introvertedness leave them prefering sticking around at home with the same old routine, this doesn’t necessarily translate to material objects or experiences in humans. This is relatable, because I like trying out new video games but I also like habitually eating ramen on Fridays. I am partial to eating a specific type of ramen (Samyang Carbo), but I am also okay with other types of ramen, too (as long as it’s still noodles). By being open to different things but still having a stable preference, I, too, would have fallen under the same categories as other cat people had I taken part in this study.[/penci_text_block][penci_text_block block_title_align=”style-title-left”]No matter which way someone leans, both dogs and cats can help people in several ways, from physical health benefits to mental ones. These two types of pets can lower blood pressure, cholesterol and feelings of loneliness through promoting exercise; just their presence can also assist mental health. They can also alleviate anxiety, depression and stress, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Pets need playtime, which encourages exercise and good hygiene, and they teach children how to handle or treat animals. Cats’ purrs, specifically, improve bone density and decreasing the chance of a heart attack. Meanwhile, people can train dogs to detect prostate cancer or help an owner avoid foods that they are allergic to. Both kinds of animals are extremely helpful, even if not actively doing something, and neither a dog or cat provide colossal health benefits over one another.
All in all, men and women, crazy cat lady or man’s best friend, vary from one another. While dogs may be more outgoing and easier to train, felines hold their ground in their lifestyle that’s simply easier to take care of. [/penci_text_block][/vc_column_inner][TS_VCSC_Image_GIFPlayer image=”323932″ trigger=”hover” preloader=”22″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner]Although people who like kittens more than puppies might by more shy but also more open to new experiences, or vice versa, there really isn’t one best answer for which pet is the ultimate animal because they can both positively impact human health.
What kind of pet do you prefer? Let us know in the comments below.