On this edition of Behind the Paper, I interview junior Ann Fitzmaurice. I learned a lot about her from this interview that I would have never known otherwise. I remember before I joined newspaper I would see her in the halls at our middle school and now Rock Bridge. I didn’t know her name, so I had no idea she was part of staff until this year. Now I have the honor of presenting her to you, and I couldn’t be happier.
Tell me a little about yourself (i.e. hobbies, family, pets, etc.).
“I have a heated blanket, and I love to lay on it and watch sloth videos on YouTube, and I also enjoy eating my boyfriend’s family’s food because it’s really good. I spend most of my time in or around the journalism room either napping or doing homework. I play bassoon and mallet instruments in the band, and I also work part time at a grocery store which is a thrill. Maintaining my poofy hair is also a chore.”
What is your position on staff?
“I’m the in-depths editor.”
What do you like about your section? If you could lead any other section, which one would you choose?
“I like the freedom I’m allowed with my section. I get to come up with hard-hitting stories and get to design with little to no boundaries. I also love the thrill of opening up the published paper to see how my spread turned out and receiving praise when people see my design. I love the attention I get from editing such a difficult section. I wouldn’t like to give up my section, but if I absolutely had to, I’d edit A&E or features.”
What do you like about writing?
“I like when I finish a story that does someone justice. My favorite stories that I’ve written encompassed people whose voices often go unheard. I love when people read my writing and compliment me because it feels like I did something right, and I love the affirmation.”
What is your favorite part of Newspaper?
“My favorite part of newspaper is the cliché of the people in it. My favorite moments in newspaper are when we are all unified, feeling the same emotion and working together in order to produce a great result. I felt this especially when we went on convention in Dallas when everyone was holding hands, praying for our name to be called for Pacemaker. When The Rock was finally announced as a winner and I looked around at my teary-eyed newspaper family, I knew this feeling is why I did newspaper and why I will continue to do it and hopefully make a career out of my passion.”
What made you want to join Newspaper?
“I’ve always struggled with feeling like I don’t have enough talent to find a place in RBHS. I joined Journalistic Writing (the prerequisite to newspaper) because I thought writing was something I was decent at. I always get good grades on my papers for school, and when I published emo poems on Instagram, people thought they were good. I hoped pursuing a class I would be good at would raise my self-esteem in terms of having something unique to me instead of being average at everything. Toward the end of j-writing, Ji-Ho, the editor-in-chief last year came in to talk about newspaper. He convinced me to do newspaper instead of yearbook, and I’m so glad I did. Newspaper gives me so much freedom creatively, and being able to produce papers and a website that actually wins awards is something I am proud of and so thankful to be a part of. Not to mention our teacher, Mrs. Stover, is a beautiful, wonderful lady that inspires me daily and gives me the support no other teacher would. If teachers got paid by the hour, Stover would be a millionaire, but she still wouldn’t quit her job because she loves us, and we love her.”
Do you plan to take newspaper or journalism in college and/or pursue a career in that field?
“I want to pursue a career in journalism, but I’m also terrified of it. I know journalists don’t make a huge amount of money, and money has been something I’ve stressed over for as long as I can remember. My dream is to be editor-in-chief of a big magazine company and make millions and work in a corner office that has a big window. I also really want to have an intern/assistant. Like really bad. Hopefully I will be able to marry rich so I can pursue journalism and not stress. I also hope I’m good enough. If the latter is true and the prior is not, I can always take Stover’s job.”