Feature Photo by Yousuf El-Jayyousi
Saturday, Jan. 21, an estimated number of 3,500 people marched through the streets of downtown Columbia for the Women’s March. People of all ages, races and genders carried signs and yelled chants that supported women’s rights and went against President Donald Trump’s morals and policies. Such signs read, “Girls just wanna have fundamental rights”; “We want a leader not a creepy Tweeter” and “Babes against bigots.”
Thousands of signs were displayed as people marched from the Boone County Courthouse all the way to the Plaza. Children, teenagers, men and women all came together to stand up for women’s rights.
Sophomore Laura Scoville walked alongside everyone. Holding a sign that read, “Make America love again” and wearing a pro life shirt, Scoville explained her reason for attending the march.
“I feel really passionate about all these issues, and I want to make a difference,” Scoville said. “I didn’t want to just sit at home and look at all the people protesting, I wanted to get involved in trying to change something I believe in.”
Not only was the younger community involved but also the elderly. Jenny Mummert, a liberal woman from the area, is passionate about standing up for what one believes in.
“My first protest was against the war in Vietnam,” Mummert said. “I am so proud to see all these young people here, doing what I did when I was their age.”
After the march was over, everyone was then gathered back around the Courthouse amphitheater to listen to music and motivational speakers.
Violet Vonder Haar, a local performer, played three protest songs at the amphitheater with hundreds of people watching. As she strummed the first chord, the low roar of the crowd dissipated and she continued to play Bob Dylan’s “Blowing in the Wind.”
“I have always felt drawn to protest music and musicians that work for social and political justice,” Vonder Haar said. “It is something I have always felt passionate about.”
Along with Mummert, Vonder Haar was ecstatic to see the community come together. After she got off stage, Vonder Haar was overcome with happiness.
“It was truly uplifting, inspiring and motivating,” Vonder Haar said. “There is comfort knowing that we are not alone in this and there is strength in numbers.”
Vonder Haar refers to the massive turnout for the Women’s March around the globe. From famous U.S cities like Boston and New York City, to renowned cities around the globe like London and Paris, people from all walks of life protested in favor of women’s rights.
“It is so great that all these people [came] out today,” Mummert said. “We are a part of history.”
Did you attend the march? What did you think?