As the first month of 2016 becomes lost to time, so do the New Year’s Resolutions of 36 percent of Americans, according to Statistic Brain. Meanwhile, for the contestants in the New Year’s Resolution Race, hosted by Bearing News, none have given up on their goals or themselves thus far, resolving to always try, try again.
Bearing News asked: How do you feel about your progress and how has it impacted you?
[vc_empty_space height=”24px”]Siena Juhlin, freshman – 25 points
Resolution: Get more sleep
[TS-VCSC-Image-Overlay image=”279969″ hover_type=”ts-imagehover-style2″ overlay_handle_color=”#2bb673″ title=”Siena Juhlin – 25 points” message=”Overall, I feel like I am more rested and I feel like I did better on my tests and schoolwork. This is kind of a weird thing, but I feel like my face is breaking out less. It seems healthier and I don’t know if that’s because of more sleep or not, but that’s another change I’ve noticed.” el_file=””][vc_empty_space height=”16px”][TS-VCSC-Image-Overlay image=”279975″ hover_type=”ts-imagehover-style2″ overlay_handle_color=”#2bb673″ title=”Audrey Milyo – 22 points” message=”My progress has been beneficial to my sleep and my stress, but I have not progressed as much as I had hoped.”]Audrey Milyo, sophomore – 22 points
Resolution: Procrastinate less
[vc_empty_space height=”16px”]Britton Stamps, sophomore – 22 points
Resolution: Spend more time with family
[TS-VCSC-Image-Overlay image=”279940″ hover_type=”ts-imagehover-style2″ overlay_handle_color=”#2bb673″ title=”Britton Stamps – 22 points” message=”I’m getting worse as the days pass, but I feel that overall I’m still doing pretty well and it’s brought me closer with my family.” el_file=””][vc_empty_space height=”16px”][TS-VCSC-Image-Overlay image=”279932″ hover_type=”ts-imagehover-style2″ overlay_handle_color=”#2bb673″ title=”Divya Divya – 28 points” message=”I danced on Tuesday for two hours and then Thursday for one hour, and 30 minutes on Friday. I think I can bump it up to at least three times a week and at least one hour each time.” el_file=””]Divya Divya, junior – 28 points
Resolution: Exercise at least 2 times a week for 30 minutes
[vc_empty_space]Shray Kumar, senior – 28 points
Resolution: Exercise at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes
[TS-VCSC-Image-Overlay image=”279933″ hover_type=”ts-imagehover-style2″ overlay_handle_color=”#2bb673″ title=”Shray Kumar – 28 points” message=”This week was pretty good exercise wise. My resolution is also pretty solid. I might add “eat more“ on it, but I haven’t decided yet.” el_file=””][vc_empty_space height=”16px”][TS-VCSC-Image-Overlay image=”279934″ hover_type=”ts-imagehover-style2″ overlay_handle_color=”#2bb673″ title=”Sydney Magee – 28 points” message=”It is definitely more natural now. I don’t even think about it, I just tell `{`the person`}` if I like something. I’ve noticed it’s made me more of a positive person and I have become a little more positive toward myself as well.” el_file=””]Sydney Magee, senior – 28 points
Resolution: Be more positive and vocalize compliments
[vc_empty_space height=”16px”]Not sure what’s going on? Read the introduction post!Missed the first updates on the contestants’ progress? Read them all below:
Week 1: Strong Beginnings
Week 2: Slow and steady wins the race
Week 3: Reaching for the stars
by Alice Yu and Rochita Ghosh
art by Alice Yu
What resolutions do you usually keep? How long do they usually last? Tell us below.