Tyler, the Creator has always been known for eccentric raps and music videos that left viewers feeling like they needed a shower (Think: eating a roach.)
For some, the raps were exciting as well as extremely clever, the music videos innovative and even artistic. Regardless, any listener would agree that he, as well as his rap group Odd Future, is constantly making statements.
But it’s all about whether or not you can agree with that statement.
Cherry Bomb, Tyler’s newest album, is in short: daunting. He took risks with this album, including a rock ‘n’ roll 70-esque vibe that he layered creative lyrics on top of. It could turn off lovers of modern rap who craved a harsh beat and relatable lyrics.
He even fires shots at the genre: “I clearly don’t give a f—, say you could run that s— back/And f— your loud pack, and f— your Snapchat.”
Fans still got the raw commentary they wanted from him with songs like “Deathcamp” and “Smuckers” and were also shown a softer and R&B type of sweetness with “Find Your Wings” and “Perfect.”
The way that you would really fall in love with the album, however, is listening to the album from start to finish. Tyler somehow made the beats flow so effortlessly into one another that you couldn’t even tell where one song ended and another one began, making it a creative knockout.
This album was just what Odd Future fans needed. It showed how Tyler could stay true to his artistic style while still venturing out and doing something like never before.
Others could say they don’t understand his music, don’t understand his style and crude lyrics. This album will not change their minds.
But Cherry Bomb is nothing if not explosive.
By Madeline Kuligowski