New apps come out daily; sometimes it almost seems by the hour. There are so many to choose from, but here are a few that shouldn’t escape your attention this week.
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White Pages Current Caller ID

This is by far my favorite app of the week, let alone this whole month. I came across it accidentally, while trying to get extra coins for a game I was playing, and am so happy I did. Current Caller ID is basically an all-in-one phone statistics app that tells you all about your phone communication usage. It tells you up to 3 months worth of how many outgoing/ingoing texts, outgoing/incoming calls and missed calls you have overall. The app also includes how many between individual people you’ve communicated with, giving you your “Top Three Callers and Texters”, or “Besties.” CCID also includes when the best times to communicate with you, or the best times to communicate with an individual contact. During a phone call, the app will run in the background so if someone you don’t know calls, it’ll give you an ID for that person. It has saved me plenty of times from answering phone calls because I know who is calling at all times. I’ve had a lot of fun, yes fun, looking at statistics on my contacts. I’d definitely recommend this app for just about anyone who uses their phone to socialize often.
Available on Google Play.
By Renata Williams
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MyScript Calculator
One of the coolest apps I have seen in a while, hands down. It’s a smart calculator that solves the problems you write out in your handwriting. It includes cos, sin, tan, log, as well as many other operators and constants. All you have to do is scribble out a problem and it’ll give you a solution. I’ve used this a few times, mostly just messing around with it, but I could definitely see it being used in a productive manner. I’d recommend changing the automatic calculation setting to off, because sometimes while you’re writing your problem out it’ll give you an answer before you’re ready. MyScript Calculator is a pretty simple, yet fascinating, app that is really easy to use and could be quite helpful for all of you mathematicians. It’s a high-schooler’s dream.
Available on the App Store and Google Play.
By Renata Williams
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Smash Hit

I just got this game last week, and I haven’t played it often enough to be that great at it, but every time I play it, I have fun. The object of the game is to throw a ball at glass objects and obstacles. Blue glass gives you more balls and regular colored glass needs to be broken through because it’s usually in your way. There is no real way to “win” in this game and if you don’t buy the premium version, the checkpoints you achieve can’t be used. I do wish the game would allow you to use your checkpoints because it’s not okay that you have to buy that game in order to advance. Smash Hit is fun, I don’t think I’ll be playing it for long, though I do think everyone should check it out.
Available on the App Store.
By Renata Williams