Senior Sydney Lottes was crowned homecoming queen at the 2013-2014 football game against the Jefferson City Jays,. When the announcer called Lottes’ name, her hand flew to her mouth, and she stood in shock for a few moments before her escort senior Raymond Majors embraced her. Former queen, Morgan Bumby, crowned Lottes with the sparking, metal crown.
The other candidates surged around Lottes, wanting pictures and hugs, exchanging words and laughs. Photographers bombarded Lottes and flashes dazzled the night as everyone pushed to get a word of congratulations into the queen.
“I’m very surprised,” Lottes said. “I think anyone could’ve won. If I do the Mean Girls scene and break [the crown] into 10 pieces I would, but I don’t think I can break metal so probably not.”
Tears welled in Lottes’ eyes as she faded out of shock and into gratitude. A crowd swelled around her and a corner of the track filled with friends hugging the other nominees and taking pictures. Though she didn’t win, senior nominee Megan Kelly was glad that Lottes got the crown.
“I’m so happy for Sydney,” Kelly said. “She’s the best. She deserves it.”
By Trisha Chaudhary
[vimeo url=”https://vimeo.com/77838726″ width=”640″ height=”360″]
Video by Urmila Kutikkad